WebFare evasion from tfl which led to a court summoning. Then the S-Bahn probably gets a lot of subsidies at least outside of the trunk areas. Question is not whether, its by how much. That is, about the Brit who is the latest guy charged with pulling NYC-MTA into order. Because the industry pushes such solutions onto the operators, and considering that the responsible ones have not much of a clue, they fall for it and get screwed. Its really self-enforcing and does not need the extremely irritating British price-engineering. Unlicensed vending is fine, I dont have a problem with the churro venders of New York. While I agree with pretty much everything in this post, I think encouraging monthly passes is a mistake. 2023 BSB Solicitors | Website development by Totally 2) Is the service worth the relative economic price to me? If you were to plead guilty at court or to be found guilty after a trial, this is a criminal conviction. Perhaps the approach shouldnt be to offer DISincentives for riders who dont have passes but rather to offer positive incentives for more people to use electronic, cash-free payment methods even if they fall outside the middle-class demographic. I more or less agree but then if we compare Greater Paris with Tokyo, the former with very affordable transit and the latter with more expensive transit, then clearly it doesnt always follow, ie. The kind of thing I imagined every time I travelled between the two mega-cities in the 80s and 90s. WebOlliers Solicitors: Criminal Defence Law Firm Manchester & London it is clear that you dont have any experience of very well run transit city, such as in East Asia, where rich and poor regularly alike use transit. though my excuse was I was working out in the suburbs; at the end of my first year the M7 extension reached Villejujif, and simultaneously my old car was vandalised and also gave up the ghost) and helps the economics of those tens of thousands of modest restos etc. I then received a letterfrom Tfl saying that I was summoned to court forfare evasion. Train tickets from London (St Euston) to the Lakes District return, plus a one-way trip from St Pancras to Gatwick airport, cost me $A500. WebThank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 14th March 2022 asking for information about fare evasion. (We know this is not true as evidenced byas one exampleyour upcoming conf.) As to the rest of your post, it is pure econometric thinking of the kind that gives me a headache. The Swiss at least do zonal fares with monthly passes. Most people dont get on and off along the way. Because I actually believe in trying to have a reality based discussion heres the densities per hectare as of 2014 in the Atlas of Urban Expansion. Answered in 5 minutes by: Solicitor: Jo C. Jo C., Barrister Category: UK Law Satisfied Customers: 82,725 Experience: Over 5 years in practice. The transit agency is not an individual who is broken by being mugged of $100; it should think in terms of its own finances, not in terms of deterrence. People do not take mass transit at rush-hour if they can help it. And Ive never seen a normal cop using a rifle. And Herbert, arent you German? Everything is proof of payment. BART charges too much, runs too little service, and its stations are too deep underground. I read the Vox article and I have to say, I told you so! This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/LegalAdviceUK. As for cheap trips outside rush-hour, that is exactly what I am arguing for instead of bulk-discounts (that make the marginal cost 0 in rush hour). In Berlin, the breakeven point is 36 trips. Or better still, a Hong Konger or Singaporean who moved to either London or Paris. For local operation (bus, tram, regional trains) they use vehicles which contain a passenger counting system, counting the number of people getting off and on. We are seeing more an more examples of clients being Even the Brits who have had to contend with such systems their entire life, get immensely irritated by it. Webboston college early decision acceptance rate 2025. classic TOD. But lets not pretend were talking about the best means of revenue collection. Webpediag > Blog > Uncategorized > tfl fare evasion settle out of court. Not at all equivalent. In the urban German-speaking world, everyone with a valid fare can walk onto a bus, tram, or train without crossing fare barriers or having to pay a driver. It is you who is artificially creating a them versus us war, which is reminiscent of London where there is definitely a class that would never use the Underground. Despite your notions, the planners in HK and Singapore etc are prioritising the transit aspects with financial performance being secondary. It is advisable to seek the representation of a solicitor in this situation. And probably linked in to ICE. If fares generally bring in X amount of revenue, then why would increasing tax revenue by X be bad. Punishing drivers for occasional trips relative frequent transit riders also seems like a both inefficient, and politically flawed way, of encouraging switching to transit. But this also means a valid GoPass user could ironically be cited for fare evasion if they fail to tag on! I would recommend them to anyone facing a similar situation. New York would transition to a large discount through holding the monthly fare constant and hiking the single-ride fare Then theres this (below) which is sooo London (and again there could be some HK-inspired rebellion; will this system have face-recognition? Webtfl fare evasion settle out of courtmeat carving knife blank. because of Chile, but it goes back further than that) isnt great. It involves negotiations and confidential ridership data, but boils down to passenger counts, done (I believe) once every three years. The other point about the Asians, as I have mentioned in earlier responses on this same issue, is that the cost is very low, so they can use fancy conditions to vary the fare (on distance, time, whatever) but it will always be a travel bargain (Singapore, Hong Kong, both world cities); note also that this is not the case for their rail links to the airport where they adopt maximum extraction policies (on the basis of social justice I guess; if you can afford to fly you can afford this higher fare), such that far more Hong Kongers use buses to the airport than the airport express (though there are geographical reasons too). I wasimmediately madeto feel at ease at our first meeting and they always provided very clear instructions and advice throughout our email communications. But the real agenda is to crush the unions 2) They think its cool its the poor who suffer from more from dirty streets and parks. Please see our reviews at the bottom of this page and contact our office on 020 7837 3456 for further details and to make an appointment. Whats more, the fare inspection should be a low-key affair. Based on the statistics received with those means, the general pot gets distributed among the different operators. Different rail providers bring different charges under different laws depending on the circumstances. And Id also like to note if anyone here knows of any similar cases like this, and what was the outcome. The travelling public in the East seems a lot more happy with their experience than the travelling public you refer to in the West. They are hostile to passengers with disabilities, they cost money to maintain, they constrain passenger flow at busy times, and they dont really save money evidently, New Yorks subway fare evasion rate is within the range of Berlin, Munich, and Zurich. For smaller municipalities, transit should be free. In most of the US, as you know, we need better service more than we need cheaper fares. We're pleased to announce the launch of our new booking engine at tickets.railforums.co.uk, which helps support the In contrast, the unlicensed churro vending is more a problem of city and state regulations making it too onerous to sell food. And the London lessons are very applicable to NY. Japans railway privatization and broken up was also said as for the purpose of crushing railway union. The main feature of those East Asian systems is that travel, even without any discount, is far cheaper than in the west. Londons fare capping system is weekly rather than monthly there are no monthly passes, and all fares are set at very high levels. (slightly out of date; too lazy to update): At lot depends on whether one looks at the public transport system in isolation or as part of the whole transport system or part of society in general. Thats what a monthly/annual pass stands for. I profoundly disagree. And on the other hand, by the relatively frictionless Paris and French system. Cities in both Germany and France, for example, are even trialling free public transport, with huge increases in passenger rates recorded. Im not sure if there is the same DWB (Driving While Black) phenomenon? However, turnstiles are not necessary for this. Thats not my impression but admit I dont have direct experience for several decades now. The consequence is that pretty much everyone using the system during peak hours has a pass. Is it even desirable to reduce commuting costs? Almost everyone in regular employment in Ile de France would have such a card. Or/and they think pay as you go is so hot, and so new. Fares arent the only source of revenue for the MTA; the system also earns money from tolls, taxes, government subsidies, and advertisements. So does London https://tfl.gov.uk/fares/how-to-pay-and-where-to-buy-tickets-and-oyster/travelcards-and-group-tickets. Precisely. The commuting trips are the predictable part of that persons transportation. Notably the Tokyo is denser than Paris is a Phenomenon o the last 30 years according to the Atlas. WebTo have a criminal record for fare evasion, you must be found guilty of an offence or plead guilty at Court. That is a ridiculous and misleading claim. Appellant provided an unsigned copy of the revised settlement agreement to the district court at the summary-judgment hearing on September 27, 2005. Ill admit my attitude is very conditioned by direct experience. The local newspaper reports how other commuters have missed work so often, theyve lost their job; how students have missed exams or holidaymakers havent made flights. In his acclaimed book on the creation of modern Australia, Fatal Shore, Robert Hughes noted that this nation was founded as a dumping ground for criminals whom the motherland ejected nevertheless rapidly turned into one of the most law-abiding nations on earth. The entire Tokyo metro area has a population density of 2642 people per sq km, whereas Paris has a population density of 1010 people per sq km. And the metro did develop from a tram system as was once planned for the heavier Stadtbahns. (England) Hi, I got a fare evasion summoning me to court, and Id like to know if theres a possible out of court settlement option from tfl as Im not trying to stain my record. Sometimes the police are called. That is true in HK and Singapore which arent really inexpensive city-states but have transit use as a priority over road use. And its part of the largest train franchise in Britain, Govia Thameslink. Just please stop being ridiculous. Anyway, youre getting stuck in the weeds and one would almost think that is some kind of distracting argument away from the main game: affordable and equitable transit. Sacked London council on the pretext of fiscal irresponsibility over Livingstones Fair Fares (or Fares fair?) Id be extremely surprised. 3) Lost revenue from passengers avoiding system due to crime can be inferred via a safety survey. On most of our bus lines drivers check tickets on boarding, but we seem to be transitioning away from this as well. That maybe the US its not in the UK. Yes. The dissatisfaction with Southern was legendary. Most if not all Parisians love the Metro and consider it theirs. In such cities monthly passes do barely exist, and cities aim for a fair and efficient pricing system. policy. Plus, there are airport surcharges. Which brings us to casuals, Casual fare evasion is a thing done by normal people, regardless of age/money/class. The outcome is predictably polarization and is just as disastrous here as for any other dimension of US public services. Double that figure, and the average number of commuting trips is 44 to 46. The simply DO NOT have the money to pay so threats of fines are also useless against them., For the LARGER category of habituals though, its either because: BSB Solicitors fielded my call in a very professional, courteous, and sympathetic manner, and helped plan a response to TfL over the course of just three working days. Of course, you can ask for transit to be free, and investments budgets to be endless, but that is not a very constructive approach to solve real-world problems. They might have a different scheme to purely private employers. TFL Fare evasion prosecution | RailUK Forums. Whereas today the program is a net revenue generator if it halves subway fare evasion, a level that already seems strained, within ten years, assuming normal fare escalation, it will need to cut fare evasion by about 90%, which is a complete fantasy. A postal requisition will display the date for a court hearing. The lack of S-bahn style operation patterns in the non-megacity regions is a failure of government and private-sector since no-ones pushing it. if someone from outside the metro drives and parks on-street they have to either meter or pay daily parking rates on a app. I was quickly directed to Mr Black who successfully plead my case and saved my professional carer! Id say make the one-way $5 now in one big yank, removing the faregates at the same time as a PR move. On the same principle, cities and states can discount fares on buses and trains. (No doubt, partly econometric because of the cost-benefit calculation of replacing their antiquated coin-op turnstiles with something modern.). Your everyone else is the minority, and just as with your earlier wrong assumption, they might be tempted by a monthly pass but under your scheme there wouldnt be any point. A better method is to ensure most passengers have prepaid already, by offering generous monthly discounts. a longer trip across town to an Ikea store or whatever. 3) Is evasion hard (i.e. I have just returned from an overseas trip to the UK and Italy. *Except in the actual immigrant nations of USA, Canada and Australia where crime rates are lower in immigrants! WebHow do I write a TFL fare evasion out-of-court settlement letter? > I more or less agree but then if we compare Greater Paris with Tokyo, the former with very affordable transit and the latter with more expensive transit, then clearly it doesnt always follow, ie. Today I interpret monthly passes a kind of rent-seeking among one group of transit users, who want other people to pay the cost for their transit use. Regulation Authority, Software Paris RER-A (the direct equivalent of CrossRail) opened in 1977 and today carries 300m pax p.a.. Today Paris has 5 RER lines which carry more than 1bn pax p.a.. About 44 years later, and 75 years after it was first proposed, CrossRail will cost north of 18bn and the scale of opportunity cost that can only be imagined. Hmmm, Grenfell maybe not (when they renovated the building they actually removed one of the two stairwells ). The most common excuse is revenue loss, which is weird since realistically New York would transition to a large discount through holding the monthly fare constant and hiking the single-ride fare. They rely on people voluntarily going to the cash register and checking out. It isnt broken down for different modes, because its a single system thats mostly fare-integrated, unlike London and very unlike American cities. Naturally there is no algorithm or magic cost-accountancy software that can calculate those costs and benefits. For example, some fringe party that wont make it to the Abgeordnetenhaus has election posters promising 30 monthlies, down from 86 today; BVG fare revenue was 766.3M in 2019, and the reduction, around 500M/year, is similar in scope to the size of the ongoing investment plan, around 2 km of city center subway or 3 km of suburban subway; the Berlin map I just posted has 24 km of new tunnel inside the Ring (ex-S21 bits already under construction) and 32 outside, so fare reduction subsidies are in competition with such expansion and should not be pursued. A different reason to dislike monthly passes is that they work against people using bikes-walking-transit (and for that matter, cars) in different combinations. Those casual fare evader mental questions are: 1) Do I already have, or can I buy a ticket right now? This is an issue where my main methodology for making recommendations for Americans looking at peer developed countries is especially useful. application of binomial distribution in civil engineering eames replica lounge chair review eames replica lounge chair review Contact emilia@chancellors.com to see how we can assist you. This is a very good example of how *not* to do things. Because they wont embarrass a habitual, but theyll act like a gameshow buzzer highlighting to everyone else that CASUAL evasion is possible when that person gets away with it!, But you DO need enforcement, its just your dirty secret is that you dont really give a shit whether you catch anyone. Its because the software can only remember so many trips, right? @Sassy: If subsidized transit leads to people moving further out and leading more car oriented lives, it could even increase transportation costs, as people saved money on housing by moving to a further out area, but end up needing a car for many non-commute trips.. Unsurprisingly, the UK train system is privatised, no doubt this accounts for these exorbitant prices. I am of course talking about transit performance in how to move the largest amount of people at the lowest cost for the transit users and taxpayers. In Hong Kong MTR system, with both the gated heavy rail system and open access light rail system, the operator have employed a lot of additional fare inspector at all stations, to the point multiple of them are visible at every ticket gate, trying to curb down any attempts at undermining the systems revenue, following a trend of distrust against the political stance in operation of the MTR system. requires time or athletics) to do? I would highly recommendBSB Solicitors and I am extremely grateful for alltheir help on resolving this situation so quickly. On similar basis Greater Tokyo is 2,788/km2 which is still quite dense compared to US cities or urbanised areas. Similar remnants to Roslagsbanan and Saltsjbanan do exist in Germany as well. But all rail travellers would. Webtfl fare evasion settle out of court; tfl fare evasion settle out of court. Wow, I had no idea a Japanese city could have so much car dependent sprawl! with modern technology varying fares dynamically by distance is very straightforward (with 1990s technology) and westerners would adapt very quickly. Paris if flat fare so it doesnt matter and they can have more, unattended, exits far from the attended area. Hi! (LogOut/ If you need help in avoiding a criminal conviction contact us now on 0800 002 9705 for free advice. People who buy monthly cards are the biggest users of the system and deserve any discounts over occasional users while you appear to believe the biggest users are captive and thus can be charged as much as possible (the British mentality). Except for the occasional hospitalization or death. Change). These are the exact opposite of your econometric analysis. Very clearly, a growing activist community wants to eliminate these standards, favoring total decriminalization not just of fare evasion, but of unlicensed vending, panhandling on trains, public urination, pot smoking, radio playing, etc. Its only wasteful if people are taking unnecessary rush hour trips, but even with the pricing of Zurich or the outer fare zones in Stockholm, the monthly pass is mostly subsidizing off-peak trips, when theres spare capacity. Sorry, I think fare evasion is important. There are no large groups of transit users versus non-transit users locked in some zero-sum lethal fight over spoils (which in a US-context is really just the ordinary culture war conflict, transplanted on transit). put in half-height gates and theyll jump them. Instead of forever delaying spending money today for appropriate infrastructure that will serve the city for ages, they have constantly convinced themselves and the politicians they can play these games with the travelling public. Using another persons ticket (Student Oyster Card, Freedom Pass or another type of discounted travel card), Passing through the ticket barriers without paying, Travelling further than your ticket allows you to, Travelling in a first-class carriage, when only purchasing a standard ticket. Transit agencies should aim at a fare system, including enforcement, that allows passengers to get on and off trains quickly, with minimum friction. Fare gates on very crowded systems (such as Londons) also act as crowd control at Stations that are getting overcrowded due to disruption. More recently, it trialed a new turnstile design that would hit passengers in the face, but thankfully scrapped it after public outcry. Thelawyer who dealt with my caseput me at ease straight aware and was professional throughout my consultation. But fares account for the largest chunk about 38 percent (or $6.2 billion) of the MTAs annual earnings. If you are charged with an offence and are to be prosecuted in court, you may receive a postal requisition. So, you have to swipe-in AND swipe-out. This could probably be achieved without putting in more money into the system if rush hour pricing, no or modest bulk discounts, and higher prices for long trips were introduced. Fare is split between the different agencies. Whats a little food poisoning now and then? So if someone rides a King County Bus, then a Sound Transit train, both Sound Transit and King County get money. After a number of years of loss-leading the commercial company goes bust or worse (see UK, though admittedly there is little competition on a route basis; they have the worst of all possible worlds) and the debacle and chaos* makes more travellers choose alternatives to rail. With a modern system, there is no extra inconvenience is actually charging according to how much you use the system. In talking to Americans about fare evasion, I have found that they are generally receptive to the idea of minimizing revenue loss net of collection costs. 250km2). Thats your kind of economic efficiency. You really have no reason to be making this claim. https://pedestrianobservations.com/2019/07/18/free-public-transportation/#comment-61991. While the number of 15 km trips will be less sensitive to if a trip cost 0 or 0.5 or 1. James provided an excellent service and put his excellent knowledge to help me get the best results in something that could have effected my whole professional and personal life in the UK. Its also part of fare capping on contactless, though not possible in the Oyster software until the next upgrade. As in Paris-RER this is best done with attractive monthly cards, so even people who have to use cars at least some of the time are tempted to still have a monthly card and use it for all journeys where possible. The answer inevitably will be yes, and this despite paying high salaries and absurd high bonuses to senior execs etc (which went on even as those companies marched into bankruptcy.) @Phake Nick Sorry that narrative is wrong, the pro-car consensus was if anything more dominant 1950-1987, highways and railways were actually paired together e.g. Typical nit-picking scrooges.) Both are negatively impacted by heavy commute subsidies. Trains and trams are also PoP. being applied to NYC-MTA. Mistakes happen; Ive accidentally fare-dodged in Berlin twice, only realizing the error at the end of the trip. It is taking all the land area of Ile de France and ignoring that huge parts of it are either farmland (eg. The Anglosphere does a shockingly poor job on this. See In re 3M Bair Hugger Litigation, 924 N.W.2d 16, 24 (Minn. App. I agree with the premise of the article that we need to relax enforcement. Unfortunately, the problem of indifference to monthlies on urban rail is common around the Anglosphere. What if those exit-only turnstiles are actually supplementary to those where the entrance and swipe-card machines are? My other point is that Monthly or Annual Travel Passes are increasingly old news in the UK as Pay as you go with far capping is more popular, and also because 5 days a week commuting is on the decline. For more precise recording, there are teams of inspectors checking every ticket, and in the case of pass holders they ask from where to where the trip goes. I agree with the first letter writer. Contrast with Japan which even with almost entirely privatized rail has heavily regulated fares. One should also note that providing useful public transport service does not scale to the level of individual trips or trip lengths. Up to 20 million workers would see increases in real incomes. It is very likely that your employer paid some part, and, depending on the size of the enterprise, it is a discount. You can add NZ to that list, so it is a perfect correlation with immigrant nations. the routes that after privatisation were run as Southern. Your argument against which kind of trips that are induced by marginal price costs of 0, just makes no sense. Have you noticed that the new boss of SNCF, Jean-Pierre Farandou, was formerly boss of French Keolis? Maybe concession fares are needed for the very poor, but the costs of even expensive transit pale in comparison to the cost of even heavily subsidized car ownership nevermind accurately priced car ownership. Ditto public urination; it exists in Berlin, but not in elevators Ive seen men do it at night on the side of the secondary entrance to the S-Bahn at Neuklln (which is more or less the poorest area inside the Ring), but the area smells fine, so I suspect that either its not common enough to be a public health hazard or theres regular cleaning. All of this is pretty reasonable cops desperately need to treat sexual assault victims better, and getting to universal enforcement is really good at reducing sexual assault rates, and Boudins language on this makes it clear he intends to help men as well as women (in the US, men who are raped report at even lower rates than women). Your first point is the more important one: absolute rate is way lower. The notice contains details of the charge against you. Making regular use more expensive will do the exact opposite of tempting them. ERG was the company that designed HKs card (but they went bust and London managed to steal this tech for almost nothing) and were give the contract to implement a similar system for Sydney. If the subsidy for bulk discounts and rush-hour trips could be used to make off-peak fares really low (say on average 1 dollar or less in NY), this would have great gains in overall transit usage, the efficiency of the system, and social equity. But instead, each agency requires the card user to pay (tap the reader). When I had an unlimited pass in New York, Id travel from Eastern Queens near the city limits to Manhattan for school on the weekdays, and go to Flushing on the weekends.
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