I have heart disease and Parkinsons. They all came home. Appealing since 2013. Reply to Wilfredo Caban. looking for Arthur G Hubbard, paratrooper 1963 or 1964. I will never forget January 26, 1969 when the base perimeter was breached during a night time attack and the morning after. Frank Niehus, Served as one of the Crew Chiefs of the Water Plant with the 35th CES, 68-69. From a much different war, my father, an Army Combat Engineer enlisted soldier and officer (battlefield commission) served in the Pacific from 1941 to 1944. I wore a POW/MIA bracelet as a teen in the 70s. He was denied. I have recently been diagnosed with a form of lymphoma. Couldnt have been the hours I spent on the flight line or lying in brush as an AP augmentee because they say AO was never used at these bases.BS!!!!!!! No idea where to start gathering evidence to help support my claim. Public outcry and official investigations followed. The Environmental Impact of Agent Orange hot SPOTS At least two-thirds of the so-called "Rainbow herbicides" used during the war, a total of 20 million gallons, contained the Dioxin-contaminated phenoxy herbicide 2,4,5-T. No place to stay at that time at Takhli. Im looking for any photos or friends of my two (2) brothers. You need to be within 500m to be eligible for exposure to Agent Orange. For those in the same situation, I will provide three words. Have had skin problems plus. That was 1971, It is now Feb. 2020 and in the meantime, I had to enlist the aid of my Congressman because up to then the VA kept rejecting my claims. Exposed to AO, and diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in 2004, all claims submitted to VA were denied. My father did 30 years service for his country without a blemish on his record. Gratuitous links to sites are viewed as spam and I was stationed in Bangkok, Thailand with Deputy Chief JUSMAG from March 1969 to August 1970. I was TDY to Utapao AB in 1968. He passed away several years ago from heart disease and kidney failure associated with diabetes but now Im trying to help my mom obtain VA benefits for assisted living. Go to https://www.militaryvideo.com/ to purchase the entire video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos.This 60-minute DVD documents Air Force activities at Phan Rang Air Base between 1966 and 1970. I live in Bangkok and would like to meet a Vietnam Vet for a conversation. In September 1965 I moved the battalion to Phan Rang for Cam Ran Bay and we started the construction of the base. Hopefully Ill have better understanding on how to manage my application through the VA. Ill research those websites mentioned to inform us on the 500 meter zone coverage. MOST WERE TYPHOON RELATED. They also refuse to acknowledge i was a mechanic on C123K spray aircraft returning form Vietnam. I do believe being on the ground in Saigon was key to my disabilities being approved at 100%, please dont give up, sometimes the VA is VERY DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH, remember the squeaky wheel gets grease, DONT GIVE UP!!!! He was my brother. Berton Duncan was his name. Appealed and was denied again not service connected. I recall Thai security guard showing me a dead cobra. I too am fighting the VA Because of the exposure to Agent Orange. A contract was awarded in 1968 for project Combat Hornet, for a total of 52 additional gunships. He was Air Force and worked on planes. Served campfrindship 1967-68. I was with co b 809th engineer bn. Service officers tell me different things. Dont give up keep fighting for our rights and benefits. Williamson) Then all hell would break loose and Id have to shut down the conversation due to explicit language. I tip my hat to you Aussies! and Good luck! I would like to get contact with anyone who was stationed there. We had a well and filtering plant for our water needs. Category:Phan Rang Air Base - Wikimedia Commons Have a successful claim? Trying to help a friend with his benefits, he was with the 23rd Tac Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai AFB during summer 1973 but cant find any personnel documents that list the names of people who were sent there. Themapped data concerning American forces isbroken down by color:Red symbolsrepresent U.S Army installations and facilities that numbered 45; the blue U.S. Navy and Coast Guard installations that numbered 18; the green U.S. Air Force installations that numbered 28; and thebrown Joint and Others locations that numbered 11. Anybody remember the building that we built to USASUBTHIA. Veterans, Survivors Unaware of Agent Orange Benefits - AARP From an air base we were taken by helicopter to a smaller base close to the Mekong. until reading this , from this blog. I was an aircraft mechanic/crew chief with 555TFS. I am being treated for high blood pressure and being treated for heart pvcs. My father Joseph Kauten was stationed at PeaseAFB in NH then went to U-Tapao as a Weapons Maitenance Technician in Jan 72-Feb 73, (on leave for a few weeks in August to get married) he was then in Mountain Home, Idaho. He is also gone now. Thanks for starting this blog! I showered from old tanks the mommasoms had no.idea where water came from.but got infections . I have been trying for 3 years to get COMPENSATION with NO GO from the VA. Can you help what do you guys think pretty sorry. Thanks. Anything on Robert Peterson? all statements are helpful. we have H.R. Marines were secuity for the 9th marines out of danang and those that left from okinawa. I have some information that should open the door wide for you. My brother David Chavira Jr was an Air Force communications specialist who was posted at Udorn from 1969 to 1970. Yet I still languish on appeal. He recently passed and was exposed to agent orange. The mortars never got off. Painted F-4s. I primarily worked the flight line. Find the document CHECO. We were building part of the Bangkok Bypass. Looking for any one who knew Glenn Orn Fisher Jr who was in the Air Force from 1956-1970. remove a user's privilege to post content on the Library site. There were canine units there. He recovered from bladder cancer 15 yrs ago, but it recurred in Nov & he died in Dec. Location is on the beach at Bangsaray Sare (also spelled Bang Saray). I was in Life Support, maintained all equipment used by pilots. When we arrived at UDORN we were told that we would probably be sent to AUGMENTEE duty for 30 days to help the SECURITY POLICE to help guard the base PERIMETER. I was an F-4D crew chief at Union RTAFB from 1972-1973. Since had constant health issues including quadruple bypass and skin issues. It was near the end of the Vietnam War, and Congress had promised to have all American combat personnel out by year's end. Library of Congress. During my stay the C-123 aircraft that sprayed the base, landed and were located just a stones throw from our flight line. My above comment forgot to mention my unit was with the 56th Field Maintenance Squadron (OPERATION RANCH HAND) NKP. Why is this happening? My Dad, Marvin M. Parker, from GA, was an Air Force airman serving in Udorn, Thailand (1970-1971). Worked at 355FMS-AGE. Waiting to hear outcome of his claim. Ive been suffering for many years from diabetes, Crohns, and inflammations of my fingers. Message for Karen Whitfield who posted on September 12, 2022 at 6:04 pm, I was at 6908 Security Squadron NKP July 1974 to June 1975 and made a successful disability claim for Agent Orange (Parkinsons and Type 2 Diabetes) and PTSD. 8th TFW / Telecommunications / UBON June 1972 June 1973. I pulled that duty several times. I was a grader operator, then a low boy driver. What was your AFSC? I then informed the Manila VA Claims Department that I was going to file a new VA Claim and submitted that on March 8, 2021, which came back approved on March 22, 2021.) I, myself, have not suffered from exposure there, but several of my colleagues and good friends from that period have died from complications due to Agent Orange, and several others still fight the ongoing process of the exposure. New Vietnam War Records from Phan Rang Air Base - Fold3 HQ Have an ischemic heart problem which resulted in a massive heart attack. Would like to make contact with Robert Calhoun 388 Security Police Squadron Korat. Does anyone know how to contact others on this forum ? I worked the Hot Pad just above this ramp and loaded C-130s on 5060. The style is literary nonfiction. Tom, My last post was at the CIA ramp guarding barrel and a C-123. I went through the DAV and they were exceptionally good at helping me get what I deserve. The station facilities are located near the base of rugged jungle-clad mountains to the west. kidneys, liver, bladder, my entire digestive system is affected. Any advice is appreciated. I was stationed with the 13th Artillery A-Battery 7th Bn, supporting the Phu Cat Air Base. Please contact me. He recently passed and we are trying to get help from the VA. Did anyone work with him and possibly have any pictures of him being near the perimeter? [20] Two crew members were killed, two squadron members died of disease, and three from accidents during the war,[15] and two Canberras were shot down in 1970 and 1971. I was stationed at udon Royal Thai airbase from September 1975 to February 1976. It would be helpful to us. Only recently am I wanting to find if I qualify for in-theater service. Im looking for anyone from the 6201st CSG/SPS from Ko Kha air station Thailand Im trying to find out what they sprayed our perimeter fences with. This too was patrolled by K-9 units. The Veterans Adm. agreed from the beginning that my husband was in the right places, at the right times, doing the right jobs to be exposed to AO. Just diagnosed with multiple myeloma havent filed claim yet. Even did a day trip to Vietnam to repair and load 25k loaders on a C141 before the fall of Saigon. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. Have tennitis. Susanne Bostick Allen. I was then dropped off at work on petroblem tank farm which was used to transfer fuel to the air base next to camp friend ship. A-4 Skyhawk Vietnam Cap with patch $20.00 A-6 Intruder Vietnam Cap with patch . How do I get map of the base to substantiate my claim? Security Police Squadron, Me too 35th SPS, Heavy Weapons I would like to get in touch with you both. It was so nasty there it is a wonder we all didnt come down with a lot of stuff. Was stationed at U-Tapao RTNB from 1974-75 with the 307 MMS. Trying to help my sister whose husband died of two AO presumed illness/cancers. Yesif you were at Korat you were always in the perimeter. I had a massive heart attack. I do believe that some health issues I have may be AO related. Have had a heart attack. I PRAY that 2020 will be a fruitful year. Anyone who can send maps of Korat or have gotten disability from Agent Orange that was stationed there during Siagon evac or Mayaquez please send any info or pictures. I also flew on a few Huey rides, one to Na Trang and one to an Army site and rode shotgun on resupply runs to Da Nang. For those veterans that served at U-Tapao RTNB, I WOULD love to know that there was a klong (creek) running sort of parallel to the main gate entrance road? I was the fuels guy on Operation Limelight. I was NCOIC of the Security Police vehicle shop @ Veh. Luckily among the eight of us were some veterans that knew how to do it, along with our help. Explore the It had most of the women in the dorm in tears!!! TDYd to 4 other known sprayed places. Survived many Rocket Attacks. I was at 3rd Field 1967-68. The long story was that airfield became operational on March 15, 1966. I was in Takhli in1973 for the grand Nixon deployment to win the war and Udorn in 1973 and 1974. The doctor who removed his prostate had died years back so he could not be interviewed or questioned concerning this matter. He has contacted my son whos theyre DNA has been linked. I was TDY at Udorn sometime between September 66 and December 67 as a radio repairman on the RF101c Voodoo. I was stationed at Ramasun Station in the 6924 Scty Sq from Dec 74 to Mar 76. DO NOT GIVE UP! Phan Rang - USAF Police Alumni Association TE 5560). You can also find stories of how base medical personnel treated local villagers, and how Christmas was celebrated on the base. I just received a VA letter dated Feb 6, 2023 that states If you were previously denied for disability compensation benefits, you may now be eligible and are encouraged to apply if you performed covered service in the following locations during the specified timeframes: Thailand at any U.S. or Royal Thai base during the period beginning Jan 9, 1962 and ending June 30, 1976, regardless of where on the base you were located or what specialty you performed. VA states I gotta prove it, thats its agent orange connected.VA government. 1964-1965. I served from August 68 until August 69 at Utapao AFB in the 556 Red Horse Squadron laying concrete and forms throughout the base. I got notified this month my claim was denied. Always wondered why nothing grew at the camp. I want to be independent. There was also a USAF Security Squadron stationed near the airport. One was near or in the central supply. Read our need to look that up, here in CA we have County Veterans Services Officers, some are Very Good about telling you what to do, and filling out some paperwork, one I know, here in CA to fill out the form for CA DMV to have Vets added to your CA drivers license to prove you are a Vet for Vet Discounts !!! Worked in the POL dump. CREW CHIEF ON F-4E PHANTOMS WHITE SECTION 421st BLACK WIDOWS, HAVE PROSTATE CANCER 2018 For me a copy of my DD214 showing VSM was all they needed. I was diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension, and prostate cancer in 2015 no family history of any of these. Filed claim and was denied. I am servic connected from a non combat injury. Security Police. I have since developed NON HODGKINS LYMPHOMA STAGE 3 CANCER a VA PRESUMED AQUIRED DESEASE from exposure to AGENT ORANGE. Stationed at 442 Signal Battalion (LL) Warin Thailand in 1970 as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. Wish me luck. Their Search Radar was in a tent very near the Mekong River, that is where I spent most of my time while visiting Mukdahon. I was TDY to U-Tapao, Thailand August through Nov 74. "Happy Valley" - Phan Rang AB, Vietnam - Facebook Does anyone remember the Autovon Switching Compound outside of Korat RTAFB during 70-71? In 1969/1970 I lived in a NCO hootch on the parameter of Takhli. I served US Army 71-74 was Deployed to a small base north of Udon (CLASSIFIED) from Nov-72 to Nov-73 There were dead plants across much of the base not just the perimeter. Today, several areas on the Da Nang Base including the loading, storage and mixing areas and Sen Lake to the north and the Pacer Ivy area at the south of the base have been confirmed to have high levels of dioxin. [AUST ARMY SIGNAL CORP. ] THANKS. I have maps and I explained every detail that I could think of wish me luck! UC-123 with tail numbers 55-4532, 55-4571, and 56-4362 ("Patches") were sampled for TCDD residue by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies for their report. given the vietnam service medal and our unit received the republic of vietnam gallantry cross. I was also at Udorn ,Thailand in 1974 to 75 as a RF-4C crew chief. Any USAF personnel assigned to 56th Transportation Sq at NKP 1967-68 who was exposed to AO and suffering from the effects of that exposure? I received a confirmation from the VA in December 2015 and was awarded two large checks, as compensation, being diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Type II and Erectile Dysfunction; In June 2016, I was directed by the Assistant Director of the Manila VA Claims Department to file a VA Claim for Peripheral Neuropathy (NOTE: I was experiencing loss of feeling in my thighs and legs) and, after having a C&P Exam at Manila Doctors Hospital (being used as a Human Pin Cushion) never feeling anything being inserted into my thighs or legs, the test results indicated to the VA, that I did indeed have Peripheral Neuropathy, which was approved in August 2016; In November 2018, while having laboratory work performed at a local Philippine Tricare Certified Hospital, the results came back as showing High Creatinine in my urine and, I was instructed to see a Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist), whom I saw in January 2019 and, did some tests of her own, which came back conclusive as Stage-3 Chronic Kidney Disease (Secondary to DM Type II) and, I was instructed to file a VA Claim, which came back approved in March 2019, at which time I became 100% Disabled; later in that same year, I started experiencing loss of feeling in my lower extremities (feet and toes of both feet) and, my Manila VA Primary Care Physician order an Arterial Scan and Venous Scan of both feet (performed at a local Philippine Tricare Certified Hospital in Ozamiz City) and, the results came back positive. He passed 20 years ago and I am still trying to get compensation. Please share. Like MIKE I.no.324 I was stationed at Takhli Thailand from Dec.65-66. Any help would be greatly appreciated. NKP 1966. If your work area, was in the outer perimeter you may get approved. The RAAF had 2 Canberras shot down, the C.O.Downing and his navigator Pincers who were winched out by chopper safe after they ejected. It was during this time I started to have pain radiating down my right leg. Laos during the period beginning Dec1, 1965 and ending Sept 30, 1969. As for AO, I dont know of anyone from the Rose Garden making claims for AO caused disabilities there. With credentials, youll be invited to join. Does anyone have any information on Steven L. Emery who was in the Air Force and stationed in Vietnam in the 70s, I was stationed at Phan Rang AB from Nov 1970 through April 1971 with the 17th FMS, 17 SOS (AC 119 G & K gunships). Would like to contact you. Any one in UDORN around 1971? Anyone knew of a Ssgt. On approach, the bomb broke loose over that very same field & went off. Forty-two months all-in. I entered the USAF Reserves and eventually was promoted to Lt Col and retired in 1992, after suffering a ruptured brain aneurysm. A few of the first names I remember are, TEX, stephen, and burt , and denis . The USAF units were the majority of American forces deployed in Thailand. USAF personnel wounded totaled 14 (4 K-9), 14 enemy KIA and one captured. Phan Rang Air Base (also called Thnh Sn Air Base) is a Vietnam People's Air Force (VPAF) (Khong Quan Nhan Dan Viet Nam) military airfield in Vietnam. New Vietnam War Records from Phan Rang Air Base - Fold3 HQFold3 HQ September 23, 2020 by Jenny Ashcraft Phan Rang Air Base was an important United States Air Force base during the Vietnam War. For information only! To qualify for exposure you needed to be within 500 yards of the perimeter. phan rang: Search Result | eBay What was the # of your B. At 75 years of age I must say I have been very fortunate to be served very well by the Youngstown, Ohio (Belmont Avenue VA, outpatient Clinic). We all lived in the NCO barracks across from the mess hall. 2. or have a source where I could find one.
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