The Immortality Key - David Bookstaber And what, if any, was the relationship between those ancient Greeks and the real religion of the earliest Christians, who might call the paleo-Christians. There's evidence of the mysteries of Dionysus before, during, and after the life of Jesus, it's worth pointing out. BRIAN MURARESKU: Great question. Is this only Marcus? I mean, I asked lots of big questions in the book, and I fully acknowledge that. Continuity Questions - 36 Questions About Continuity - QuestionDB And I-- in my profession, we call this circumstantial, and I get it. And I've listened to the volunteers who've gone through these experiences. I mean, shouldn't everybody, shouldn't every Christian be wondering what kind of wine was on that table, or the tables of the earliest Christians? Continuity theory - Wikipedia Rachel Peterson, who's well known to Brian and who's taken a lead in designing the series. So in the mountains and forests from Greece to Rome, including the Holy Land and Galilee. So I'm trying to build the case-- and for some reason in my research, it kept coming back to Italy and Rome, which is why I focus on Hippolytus. And much of the evidence that you've collected is kind of the northern half of the Mediterranean world. Maybe there's a spark of the divine within. CHARLES STANG: Wonderful. Do the drugs, Dr. Stang? There are others claiming that there's drugs everywhere. I mean, I wish it were easier. That's, just absurd. Are they rolling their eyes, or are you getting sort of secretive knowing nods of agreement? #646: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin The - Chartable CHARLES STANG: I do, too. He draws on the theory of "pagan continuity," which holds that early Christianity adopted . What was the wine in the early Eucharist? And how do we-- when the pharmaceutical industry and when these retreat centers begin to open and begin to proliferate, how do we make this sacred? Like in a retreat pilgrimage type center, or maybe within palliative care. So I spent 12 years looking for that data, eventually found it, of all places, in Catalonia in Spain in this 635-page monograph that was published in 2002 and for one reason or another-- probably because it was written in Catalan-- was not widely reported to the academic community and went largely ignored. And I think we get hung up on the jargon. But the point being, the religion of brewing seems to pop up at the very beginning of civilization itself, or the very beginning of monumental engineering at this world's first sanctuary. So why the silence from the heresiologists on a psychedelic sacrament? And I'll just list them out quickly. And at some point in my narrative, I do include mention of Gobekli Tepe, for example, which is essentially twice the age of Stonehenge. Brian is the author of a remarkable new book that has garnered a lot of attention and has sold a great many copies. And I think sites like this have tended to be neglected in scholarship, or published in languages like Catalan, maybe Ukrainian, where it just doesn't filter through the academic community. From about 1500 BC to the fourth century AD, it calls to the best and brightest of not just Athens but also Rome. Wise not least because it is summer there, as he reminds me every time we have a Zoom meeting, which has been quite often in these past several months. Brian's thesis, that of the Pagan Continuity Hypothesis, was explored by Alexander Hislop in his "The Two Babylons", 1853, as a Protestant treatise in the spirit of Martin Luther as Alexander too interjects the Elusinian Mysteries. Reviewed in the United States on January 29, 2023 And when we know so much about ancient wine and how very different it was from the wine of today, I mean, what can we say about the Eucharist if we're only looking at the texts? Not because it's not there, because it hasn't been tested. At Cambridge University he worked in developmental biolo. All right, so now, let's follow up with Dionysus, but let's see here. So the Greek god of wine, intoxication. They did not. Despite its popular appeal as a New York Times Bestseller, TIK fails to make a compelling case for its grand theory of the "pagan continuity hypothesis with a psychedelic twist" due to. CHARLES STANG: We're often in this situation where we're trying to extrapolate from evidence from Egypt, to see is Egypt the norm or is it the exception? And did the earliest Christians inherit the same secret tradition? So this whole water to wine thing was out there. According to Muraresku, this work, which "presents the pagan continuity hypothesis with a psychedelic twist," addresses two fundamental questions: "Before the rise of Christianity, did the Ancient Greeks consume a secret psychedelic sacrament during their most famous and well-attended religious rituals? The Tim Ferriss Show Transcripts: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin The Eleusinian Mysteries, Discovering the Divine, The Immortality Key, The Pagan Continuity Hypothesis, Lessons from Scholar Karen Armstrong, and Much More (#646) - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss 3 Annual "Best of" Apple Podcasts 900+ Million episodes downloaded And so I do see an avenue, like I kind of obliquely mentioned, but I do think there's an avenue within organized religion and for people who dedicate their lives as religious professionals to ministry to perhaps take a look at this in places where it might work. #646: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin The Eleusinian It's really quite simple, Charlie. Is there a smoking gun? Was Moses high? Studies linking religion and drugs gain traction And that that's how I-- and by not speculating more than we can about the mystical supper, if we follow the hypothesis that this is a big if for some early communities of Greek speakers, this is how I'm finding common ground with priests both Catholic and Orthodox and Protestants. I mean, this really goes to my deep skepticism. The pagan continuity hypothesis at the heart of this book made sense to me. I include that line for a reason. And I just happened to fall into that at the age of 14 thanks to the Jesuits, and just never left it behind. BRIAN MURARESKU: I would say I've definitely experienced the power of the Christ and the Holy Spirit. But you go further still, suggesting that Jesus himself at the Last Supper might have administered psychedelic sacrament, that the original Eucharist was psychedelic. pagan continuity hypothesis - But when it comes to that Sunday ritual, it just, whatever is happening today, it seems different from what may have motivated the earliest Christians, which leads me to very big questions. So there's a house preserved outside of Pompeii, preserved, like so much else, under the ash of Mount Vesuvius's eruption in the year 79 of the Common Era. Jerry Brown wrote a good review that should be read to put the book in its proper place. And that the proof of concept idea is that we need to-- we, meaning historians of the ancient world, need to bring all the kinds of resources to bear on this to get better evidence and an interpretive frame for making sense of it. And maybe in these near-death experiences we begin to actually experience that at a visceral level. 32:57 Ancient languages and Brian's education . "@BrianMuraresku with @DocMarkPlotkin The Eleusinian Mysteries, Discovering the Divine, The Immortality Key, The Pagan Continuity Hypothesis, Lessons from Scholar Karen Armstrong, and Much More" Please enjoy! This an absolute masterclass on why you must know your identity and goals before forming a habit, what the best systems are for habit. And considering the common background of modern religions (the Pagan Continuity hypothesis), any religious group who thinks they are chosen or correct are promoting a simplistic and ignorant view of our past. And if it only occurs in John, the big question is why. Pagan polemicists reversed the Biblical story of the Israelites' liberation from Egyptian bondage, portraying a negative image of Israelite origins and picturing them as misanthropes and atheists. The question is, what will happen in the future. Not because it was brand new data. Two Reviews of The Immortality Key - Graham Hancock Now that the pagan continuity hypothesis is defended, the next task is to show that the pagan and proto-Christian ritual sacraments were, in fact, psychedelicbrews. And I think oversight also comes in handy within organized religion. And what the FDA can do is make sure that they're doing it in a way that it's absolutely safe and efficacious. That's our next event, and will be at least two more events to follow. You're not confident that the pope is suddenly going to issue an encyclical. Mark and Brian cover the Eleusinian Mysteries, the pagan continuity hypothesis, early Christianity, lessons from famed religious scholar Karen Armstrong, overlooked aspects of influential philosopher William James's career, ancient wine and ancient beer, experiencing the divine within us, the importance of " tikkun olam "repairing and improving But I do want to push back a little bit on the elevation of this particular real estate in southern Italy. And if it's one thing Catholicism does very, very well, it's contemplative mysticism. The universality of frontiers, however, made the hypothesis readily extendable to other parts of the globe. There's also this hard evidence that comes out of an archaeological site outside of Pompeii, if I have it correct. Lots of Greek artifacts, lots of Greek signifiers. We see lots of descriptions of this in the mystical literature with which you're very familiar. He has talked about the potential evidence for psychedelics in a Mithras liturgy. Rather, Christian beliefs were gradually incorporated into the pagan customs that already existed there. Now the archaeologist of that site says-- I'm quoting from your book-- "For me, the Villa Vesuvio was a small farm that was specifically designed for the production of drugs." Again, if you're attracted to psychedelics, it's kind of an extreme thing, right? OK-- maybe one of those ancient beers. I mean, lots of great questions worthy of further investigation. We still have almost 700 with us. Do you think that the Christians as a nascent cult adapted a highly effective psycho technology that was rattling . That is, by giving, by even floating the possibility of this kind of-- at times, what seems like a Dan Brown sort of story, like, oh my god, there's a whole history of Christianity that's been suppressed-- draws attention, but the real point is actually that you're not really certain about the story, but you're certain is that we need to be more attentive to this evidence and to assess it soberly.
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