And so thinking about the things you go through, look, we all go through good stuff and we all go through bad stuff. BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast - 421: Family Over - Stitcher You know, from a sheer depression, man in the year before my exit, in the year and a half before my exit I had Id never had this before, but I had three like full on panic attacks. . Why do you write like youre running out of time?Write day and night like youre running out of time?Evry day you fight, like youre running out of time. It was a hard decision for Joshua to leave, but thanks to his amazing team, he was able to (even during a time of tribulation in his personal life). You may fail, but at least you will have taken your shot.Good luck! Unlike most traditional real estate books, this one wont tell you there is one secret path to real estate success. Almost everyone that builds a business wants some kind of growth, but as much as I loved seeing my brainchild thrive and grow, I was having less and less fun doing it. I always wanted to kind of be here, be oh, I used to call bi-coastal, would be like New York and Cali. And I had a lot of time and in that time realized that, you know, after 14 years of building this company, man I love, I love, love, love Bigger Pockets, but I was kind of burnt out. Of course I was happy to have an amazing loving family and a successful business. It was time for me to step down, bring in partners, and move on from the day to day running BiggerPockets. I mean, nights, weekends, you name it, seven days a week. But you know, looking to make that a little more official. A life-long adventurer, Brandon (along with his wife and daughter) splits his time between his home in Hawaii and various other destinations around the globe. Thanks, Josh. But, you know, if anybody who tries to grasp these things, theyre so big and scary, well then break it down into little steps. 5280 Publishing, Inc. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. If thats the case, figure out what you need to do to change and the big challenge I think most people have is thats so big and tenuous, like, what do I do? And but yeah, thats what Ive been up to. avid members of the BiggerPockets forum, listeners to the podcast, or readers of our articles may know our founder, Joshua Dorkin. And the company was profitable. He convinced a slew of real estate players, such as veteran house-flippers and rental-property investors, to contribute their know-how to BiggerPockets educational blog; added a marketplace for lenders and others to pitch their services; and installed analytic tools such as a calculator that crunches everything from local property taxes to vacancy rates to determine whether that split-level ranch will make for a profitable rental investment. Brandon Turner & Joshua Dorkin. And from a bootstrap perspective, you know, bootstrapping, you have a lot less support than you do when you raise money. . Find which one works best for you, your resources, and your goals. I was happy to have three amazing children, food on the table, and a safe place to live. Is that a good statement to say? I mean, you know, you want me to just take it from the beginning or? Josh Dorkin: Man, so Ive started and stopped the book probably 50 times. Our friend had come over to help out and I was going to rest while she watched the girls. How to Invest in Real Estate - BiggerPockets Bookstore This caused a shift in Joshua's reality, so he dropped everything. There had been ups, there had been downs. What do I do? All rights reserved. But then I, you know, just went balls to the wall, so to speak, and, you know, was doing 80 to 100 hours, trying to build this thing out. Dorkin, 41, wont be hacking houses anytime soon. doesn't own much property. By the time I exited, we had over 40 full time employees, and around a dozen contractors - close to sixty people working for the business. Cool. And yeah, so were here. They really wanted to take me, but without Julie around, I worried about the girls, and passed the initial neurological tests, so I decided to play it by ear. You know, you can work remote, you can do everything remote these days. Joshua Dorkin is the founder of BiggerPockets, as well as a serial entrepreneur, investor, podcaster, publisher, educator, and co-author of How to Invest in Real Estate. He started BiggerPockets to help democratize the real estate investing landscape for himself and others, aiming to make it accessible for everyone, regardless of income or education. It is always interesting to see what kind of things come up when you search for yourself online. And, you know, I think theres a lot of people who are willing to. And so what I tell my friends and just people that you know if I ever am speaking is, you know, you got to take care of your first, yourself first. And look, we get to go and you know, go out on the beach and not be near people. If you dont take the time to find moments for yourself - moments to be present with the world around you, you might be missing some of the best opportunities for personal happiness. You know what, Im going to get a fitness watch, and Im going to walk 10,000 steps a day. I taught myself how to code a number of years before back in college, and just started to run with it. A thought experiment My daughter posed the following question: It is raining outside at a constant rate. They suspected some kind of migraine, and cleared me of all the really scary stuff. I didnt, you know, if there was emergencies, youd deal with it, but like, that was it, that was what that day was about. Yeah. Josh Dorkin: Absolutely. Fear of change or of taking risks by changing course has sunk far too many businesses. Josh Dorkin: Yeah, yeah, I think for me, the book, The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, was one of the most impactful in just, you know, helping me kind of break things down. You know, thats, surprisingly a significant boost to your health. This book provides a comprehensive overview of real estate investing strategies whether buy and hold to short-term rental and everything in between. I still get a lot of my great information from the community and the network. And particularly, I think the most stressful part was, I was by myself, to your point. So, without spending any more money or giving up any of your time (both of which I recommend you do in support of great charities around the world), you can be a philanthropist! His wife and three daughters wouldn't take too kindly to sharing their space. The days of building product, building community, marketing, growth hacking and being creative were replaced with days managing people. We grew the platform and its offerings. So, the operating manual was, how do I go from unhappy to happy, and that was, it became not just like a. question, but it became a significant force within my life, whether its about you know, journaling about it, contemplating it, talking about it out loud, and making decisions around it. The real estate industry is huge, and often complicated, but this book clears away the fog and uncertainty in a fun, easy-to-read manner. Joshua Dorkin is a serial entrepreneur, investor, podcaster, publisher, and educator. My strategy was to first pick out the easy items like toilet, vanity, towel bars and hooks, followed by choosing flooring, and finally finding a pre-fab shower that we could just drop in. And that goes into to do lists. BiggerPockets founder Joshua Dorkin and Brandon Turner from the BiggerPockets Real Estate Investing podcast. Brett Jurgens Talks About Building and Selling Notion to Comcast. Today, BiggerPockets boasts more than 725,000 members, produces the top-rated real estate podcast on iTunes, and last year raked in $7 million in revenue through advertising, premium memberships, and partnerships with companies like credit-rating agency TransUnion. Lets do it. And I mean, even when Brandon was hired, it sounds like you were able to take a step back, look at a much bigger strategic view from a business perspective that accelerated growth. I mean, the very first early years, you know, I had very little support outside of my wife, you know. The list of accomplishments goes on and on, but with this growth came the need to hire, and that we did. 1065 episodes totalling 1002 hours, 17 minutes. Not a magic formula. And so we spent weeks going through the business, realize that we had, you know, created a product that was a little overly bloated, there was you know, wed built too much, too many features. \"I was working a full-time job making no money as a teacher,\" Dorkin says, \" and then [I] quit that job, reliable income, to blindly create this platform for other people. Horrifying, scary. Thanks. \"The business really wasn't making serious money for probably getting close to a decade.\"\r\r The story has a happy ending. And its interesting, you know, as you and a stressor might be, I come in every day, and I look at emails for three or four hours, and Im stuck in email. Is this going to be, is this the prelude to a book? Joshua Dorkin on Twitter: "Proud parenting moment: Tonight while I was making money, but I was still ready, you know, that desperate to just get out. But its fantastic. While they sat in shocked silence, I wept for what seems like an hour as I tried to explain what we were dealing with - barely getting the words out mostly just crying out loud uncontrollably. I LOVED the first few years of hiring and scaling. . For locals, by locals. And you know, continue to love Bigger Pockets and love how its impacting peoples lives. Quotes "I believe 100% in putting all my eggs in one basket. Shop | Page 703 of 703 | Nexus vefverslun Its fabulous. How to Invest in Real Estate: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Getting You know, well be doing great getting, you know, x million views per month on, you know, through search, and all of a sudden, Google will make an algorithm change, and thatll drop 20% or 30%. Adventurer. Dan Daugherty: And you have that almost daily and you have to have that type of growth mindset. And I didnt want, I just didnt want to do that. Was it 2009? I spent countless hours caring for her full time - feeding, moving, and working with her to accomplish tiny wins like the movement of a single finger or opening an eye. Not the way I wanted to spend my Saturday . I dont know, maybe, if I get some encouragement from my friends Ill do it. Leaving BiggerPockets was very difficult - probably similar to sending your child off to college, but I did so both because it is was I had to do, but also because it was what was best for the company. And really, quite frankly, I did not do a good job of understanding when Im depressed, or who to call, if Im depressed. And so once you start tackling them, its amazing how your load gets lighter and lighter and lighter. Its, instead of drinking soda and orange juice, and, you know, coffees and energy drinks, Im just going to drink water, because water is healthy, water cleanses you, water does this, you know, thats not that big a step. I hope to share that journey with you all via this blog, and perhaps through other forms like video or a podcast. It was excruciatingly slow and frustrating, but we never let up.
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