or Tracy Johnson.. all of them can be found on my Facebook friends list. I wish Demri had that same desire, to want to be an actress/model, who read books, studied acting. Just not interested in other peoples opinions or stories, they bore me. Thats all I wanted to say. I dont know. Anyway sorry I could not be more helpful. But I guess no matter how sick she was during her last year- she was still beautiful for sure, on the outside and on the inside. Like you said Barbara some things sound partially right. In 1996, Staley's life was turned upside down when his former fiance, Demri Lara Parrott, died of a drug overdose and when she passed, so did a bit of Staley. So, anyway, the point to me leaving a comment is to say that I just read Layne Staley, Born again by Adriana Rubio. Well I highly recommend it. Why didnt she stay home with her Mom when Layne wasnt around? So anyways, yesterday I ran into so-and-so and blah blah blah. Im very thankful for my daughter because for the first time I had to clean up and start to deal with things. Why wouldnt she stay with Layne, or anyone, always running, to and fro, even before she got sick? I do not know how much truth there is in the message must have the attributes and say their name. My daughter was actually a big reason why I fell into darkness because her mom was making my life miserable and it made me feel absolutely worthless and then I would get high bc then I wouldnt think about it. According to Tom he drove out to Fred Meyer past Wedgewood where Demri spent half the summer (before moving into Juliets) and he went shopping. And Layne tried it, and he said that was the first time he really thanked God. Christy the drug dealer lived behind the QFC and so did Paris. He had his cats and a nice place to live and his art and his hobbies. So sorry to hear about your Dad too and believe me I understand how easy it is to go back to the only thing we know made us numb again. Demri Parrott. . Sometimes, we forget that they are people too. I cant stop wat other people write but I hate seeing stupid stuff written so flippantly on sites like tumbler twisting around good peoples word. Jerry always had this I told you so thing going on. Not much is known about this unidentified older man aside from the fact that he apparently isolated her from her friends and family and wouldnt let them talk to her. I agree with you D and Eric, in different things a lot of that just sounds to made up..and even if Jerry is a bit arrogant or has this kind of personality-which Ive read somewhere of him being a bit hard on Layne-it doesnt mean hes not a good personShe paints him like such a BAD GUY! The photo of Demri on the couch in lingerie is at my apt on Queen Anne, the one Andy died at. This blog says everything I wanted to say! He had me come and look at it to see and meet the landlord. . David Lee Roth's opinion on Freddie Mercury and Queen Paul Stanley doesn't agree that Rock and Roll is dead . thank you Barbara if you see this for sharing all this information. Im pretty sure about it , Much love, peace and good karma to you! ROCK IS DEAD? Demri Lara Parrot | Flickr As a three-year-old, Demri was . No problem. If you'd like to see more pictures of her I recommend these tumblr or facebook sites. then announces the song say hello to heaven. The two soon became engaged but eventually broke up around 1994. not demri.will try and find the link to the post that says she was not available/she and Layne not together at the time. One of his friends told him that hed had an image of Layne trapped in an airplane as it filled with smoke (what a thing to say!) Heroin doesnt turn you into an asshole. I hope and pray that youre ok today, to live and tell more of your story. For the first time in 10 yrs im doing good! Ughhh, whats the need? Layne tried it, loved it. He was known for his distinctive vocal style and tenor voice, as well as his harmonizing with guitarist/vocalist . I know he blamed himself for Demri dying we all played the should a, could a, wouldda tape in our head. You can just tell when you talk to certain people, especially females. Laynes riff with Jerry was for telling him he needed to go to rehab and not going himself, hearing Laynes solo music and taking it to the band and borrowing his 8-track and erasing his stuff with Maynard (I dont think Jerry noticed it was on there). I know she had siblings and her name changed from Murphy to Parrott at some stage (as per yearbook photo). Now to think theres Demri fan sites and Facebook groups!? I just wanted to share my story because i dont think alot of heroin addicts think about the other consequences that iving heroin can cause such as endocarditis. Demri was staying with a friends Dad trying to kick by the time I got out so she could come stay at my parents while I recovered from surgery and she had to be clean to do that. She studied at the Arlington High School, Washington (1984 1986); the Lakewood High School, Arlington, WA (1986); and the Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Jacksonville, Florida (1985 1989). Most of her friends described her as a very sweet and beautiful person, kind, peaceful and artistic. They were both so beautiful in their own weird way. They can seduce you and make you feel like nothing else can be as good to you. Thanks for keeping this site up. Certain parts of this story are definitely true. Endocarditis is the end result of shooting with dirty needles or sharing them. When I spoke to Layne I was pissed off and crying, and told him what was going on at the house, but he pretty much already knew. I try to study the different religions, lead a good life, treat others like I want to be treated and reach out to others who need it. I hated that no one knew who she was. Doesnt matter though that she was not mentioned in her obituary because I know that Rosheen knew how important she was to Demri and Rosheen was at her funeralso that probably hurt her. I heard a lot of nice things about how Layne how he was a very down to earth person but, we need to remember we are all human and we all make mistakes in life. Demri was born in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of America's Pacific Northwest. I am sober now and I understand this and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about how bad I was for all those years of stealing and lying to them and my mom crying worried if I was going to die. Bigs hugs! That is a horrible excuse some addicts may use to treat people badly, steal from people they know or physically hurt people.. thats all on them still. But she went one way for love, he another. Stop!! Once again, I am sorry you have lost so many people that you loved. To clarify Demri was in the hospital at least 13 times I know of each time 2-4 months from 93 to 96 which didnt leave much time for her to get in trouble. I can understand that to a degree, but we were pals, and I wasnt gonna Haha! had an issue and he couldnt stop. I was 15 at the time, and clearly fan-girling over her boyfriends band but she didnt give off even the slightest hint of rudeness, or jealousy, or possessiveness. Jul 10, 2014 - Layne with fans New Years Eve 1999, reportedly last public photo in circulation. so thank you again for all this and hope you are well. The truth about the ways she lied, cheated, manipulated and stole from him have all been conveniently forgotten.". What makes it better though is knowing that Layne and Demri, and her friend, Rosheen, are all together now, in each others company, waiting to reunite with the rest of their loved ones in eternity some day. She wasnt out getting loaded and living it up thats Rachels story. I have noticed that Layne is very tall, upright in his earlier career. Who is Demri Parrott dating? Demri Parrott boyfriend, husband Its people like demri and Layne who would really make you think life was worth living. Moreover, his body's autopsy and toxicology report revealed that Layne was laying two weeks before the police found him in his Seattle condo. Im sure we all have that person that has this strange magnetic effect on us and we dont exactly know why. Thanks for all you are sharing. Shes perfect in every way. She stumples out to the car and passes out (O.D.s duh!). What a joyful presence she must have been, all the while carrying and apparently, practising some horrible habits. He was already quite reclusive in 1996" The last time Demris mother, Kathleen Austin, saw Layne Staley, was in 1997. The statistic for heroin addicts who get clean and stay clean are actually depressing and shocking. I was neglecting EVERYONE even my daughter when sick and when High I just wasnt worried about it. I stumbled across it by chance. I also was a hard core heroin addict and my family and life suffered from it and I honestly did not have the willpower to save my self. Oh that thing about walking down a hall and druggies is b.s. I remember looking out your window at the docks one time while you were on the computer, and I was making you listen to some stupid old song because I thought it was cool. For me, layne was Alice in Chains. Demri died in oct 1996 and Rosheen died in 1997. My sister also was an addict and passed away in 2008. Happy to know you found and enjoy the web site. Can you send me the link and the time in the video where you see her? I never told anyone that I knew you and you used to tell me dont let it bother you. Thank u to everyone who takes the time to read this ! Why? Oh manI wrote all that for nothing. I couldnt afford all the hospital bills, but somehow, or someone, helped Demri. In the position he was in, its probably the only way he couldve had a lasting relationship. She was around five feet tall-maybe even shorter-and was stunningly beautiful. me too, i wonder what it is about her that's so magnetic! I found this online and I wanted to share it in case you havent read it before, Laynes girlfriend, Demri [Parrott], was the one who made the connection between our bands. I bring it up also because I know her family would prefer it be used that way. Thanks for the reply. You also made people smile and giggle and anyone who was ever part of your life no matter how long or how short.. will NEVER forget you. 14 February 2023. She believes her body is so damaged, which it may have been, that, why quit? Mad Season was an American rock super group formed in 1994 as a side project of members of other bands in the Seattle grunge scene (Layne was the lead singer with Pearl Jams guitarist Mike McCready, drummer Barrett Martin of Screaming Trees and bassist John Baker Saunders). The blue hat was given to the EMP by me at Mike Starrs service there. Although she is not here in body, I can guarantee she is here in spirit, watching everyone and is beside her mother. It is possible. Most and foremost many people are dying everyday like me and I am talking about how I just found out I am dying and they are such an jerk to come behind me and talk about how they got so much living to do!! Layne not accepting this, but hes starting to feel the pain also. Layne Staley & DEMRI PARROTT's Relationship: Tragedy, Love & Grunge And I used to live my life just like layne and demri. He drove around town for a while after that not even aware that Demri was dying in the passenger seat. This is the kind of ridiculous talk he put up with from people who claimed to like him. I desperately want my life back, and as much as I adore the aforementioned people, I have no desire to follow in their footsteps and go to my grave this young. Drugs are not fun, and will never try again. Makes me wonder whether genius will always, without exceptions, come with an enormous cost. She had open heart surgery and had a pig valve and pacemaker inserted in her heart in 1994. She goes into rehab and comes back to the car gets in and falls asleep while he runs errands. i was born after demris passing but reading about her and seeing her photos is truly enchanting. Was she brought to this career choice based on struggles in her own life? What a true tragedy heroin addiction is. A painting of Demri and Layne was featured on the cover of the Mad Season album.. Mad Season "Above" Album Cover Based On Photo Of Layne Staley And . What she looked like, how she dressed, & the decoupage shed make from angel& Victorian cutouts that she would paste on boxes & give as gifts. American of Native American (Cherokee), Irish, Scottish, remote Welsh, English, and Swiss-German descent. Please if you ever get a chance, write that book. This is in response to what Liz said about Layne and Kurt, were they good friends? I feel empathy for all addicts. Ive really been inspired by a lot of Laynes music, both AIC and Mad Season. It steals everything from us including everything that makes us who we are the things we love about ourselves and then it takes our very last breathe before we even know how far gone we are. Its extremely heartbreaking. Pictures and info about the woman who stole Layne Staley's heart and inspired fashion trends during the '90s Seattle grunge era. If thats true then her story is skewed and should be viewed as such (thats a word of caution to the next intrepid armchair detective who gets this far) Its funny how the internet makes it possible for anyone with curiosity and an active imagination to dig up these stories and become fascinated with the lives of people theyve never met who have passed away. She did her movies, needed a babysitter for many, but she got through it all. Barbara you are right on that they suffered from a fatal disease- and also right that drugs arent worth dabbling in. Murphy, and Christa Dougherty (step-sister)) Nationality: American I have been a long time fan of Layne Staley. Everything has already been said here, but I want to thank you personally. I feel like some people enter the world with their story written for them already. In my experience the Demri info isnt accurate. PONY MAURICE (Feast singer) I kind of fell in love with Xana and Demri for a while. I am not saying Rachel is a bad person, prior to this I thought she was a hat maker genious, but it was at the very least odd because they werent friends, but Demri always the gracious host even on her deathbed. I think of her all the time, and how our similarities made me feel so much better about myself as a teenager. I dont think that her and Layne had a healthy relationship and I dont think it should be idealised. Your site was the most helpful then, and continues to help those of us wanting to learn more about Layne & Dem. Theyre both special persons in their own right, and both should be acknowledged as such. Im not jumping on this now just because our wonderful Layne is gone as much as because of the conjecture. As a result, there is a last photo that was published in 1998 and one final photo that was taken in 2002, just weeks before his death. It doesnt seem right to me that they continue the band because there is no improvement. We were buddies and got closer when he was engaged to Miranda because he really wanted to do right by her. Demri died on Oct. 29th of 96 of a heroin overdose. One story has Demri trying to kick drugs & dating a coke dealer in the final days of her life. Who was she as a child and a teenager? She was an amazing person from what I can get, and im sorry for the bad word but f*ck the haters.all jealous people that dont know how to appreciate someone so full of life Demri was! https://alice-in-chains.livejournal.com/103699.html?thread=559635#t559635, https://icepicksandnukes.com/2011/12/16/setting-the-alice-in-chains-record-straight/. I have never had anyone die on me but I have given more people then I can actually count or remember CPR and I was never afraid to call the ambulance either. Happy to hear youve enjoyed it. She, like Layne, was very generous. While watching Crossing Over, Layne turned to Mike and said, Demri was here last night. It was missing something. I read once that everyone knew her, and if you went anywhere with her from California to Vancouver, shed bump into people she knew. I realize this stuff is old news for you guys, but for people who are just coming to this subject (who have a passion to know the truth) the information via comments on this site is vital. Demri was in and out of the hospital for the last couple of years of her life. Those guys literally made magic and Im so grateful to even have existed when they all did. Love and support to you and your family, God bless to you! He was not her boyfriend he was older than her parents, but he was in love with her and thought the were going to get married. No clue.. maybe they didnt even know Rosheen was as important as she was to Demri. Laynes father could have been that positive influence, but he only helped drive Layne to an early grave. You have done so much, been through so much, God bless you. I promised both I would never read it, but the excerps I have seen are ridiculous. I listen to Chloe Dancer and think of how I want my life to be as beautiful as that song. Most of us refused to turn someone on for the first time. Layne and Demri's relationship made me come to terms with the fact that some people in your life will just drill a hole in your head and insert themselves there and there's nothing you can do to ever get them out. In all actuality they probably never will unless they have gone through it. I hate to stop before I am finished with something and will work 72 hours straight to get something finished no matter what even being my own boss. Not sure why but it left me feeling weird. I guess its possible that he dated someone else for a short time in between but everybody knows that heroin addicts have major issues with impotency so its not like he was gonna be grinding away with someone else. (i.e. They were eventually engaged to be married. Im trying to post a comment and a link to a video, but all that appears when I try to publish it in this site is: your comment is awaitting moderation!! We are all human. If it is made up, then she is an amazing writer. Just saying! Thats when he came back and Demri left. She is too tall.. too lean wrong body type.. cant see her face.. wrong hair.. wrong clothes.. just not her. I want people to know that you also had an amazingly strong and smart Mom who not only cherished you but also tragically lost you to a demon that she was powerless to fight against and so were you.. that she lost you far too soon.. which broke her heart and not long aftershe tragically lost your brothers too.Your life may of taken a wrong turn and you got too lost too find your way back but that was not your whole story. Born Demri Lara Parrott on 22nd February, 1969 . Helping as a group also made too much sense. I think that a lot of facts that she put on the story are true, BUT..she def. Barbara, thank you for replying to my post of 5/22. I hope so. When cleaning I didnt know what belonged to who, which is risky). She also refused to take Laynes money, and had to make her own money herself. Build your family tree online . You can tell when theyre lifers. Alice In Chains. I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. People are complex and I never knew her but it seems this tribute site exists because she earned it. We never celebrated my birthday so she wanted to be clean so we could which was on the 28th. Who is the other girl with her on the couch? Yeah were gay, wanna join us? LOL! But he never said so outright. She was human. 42 pictures of Demri Parrott. Barbara you remember when you came into the room at the hospital and thought you were interrupting and we got Rachel to leave so you could have some private time with Demri and she thanked you saying she felt like she had vultures over her and could feel Rachel wanted her to die so she could have Layne. After her passing, Layne looked after him. I know it can cause lots of damage to your body. Rare pictures show her to be dark-featured and pretty, with long black hair and dark eyes. Hot! My mother overdosed and died 2 years before Layne. What a hard an painful situation. Its like someone out there looking for a job and you cant find one but you keep trying and trying but after a while you just give in to the fact that its not going to happen and you stop trying. I read it within days. This site is so beautiful, props to those who made it/run it! So im postive thats why Demri got so sick again after her heart surgery cause her new valve was so sensitive. He thought Demri could see him from heaven so it didnt want to upset her. Id last about 3 days. Im so glad that Demris mother supported her no matter what. She loved to model and I love this picture of her Demri just being Demri.. Rest in Peace Sweet Girl - Demri Lara Parrott 1969-1996 ROSHEEN RAUGI Rosheen and Demri - RIP Rosheen Raugi June 19th 1997 Rosheen was my best friend. It was love at first sight. Is it possible to be Demri on the left? Anyway, Im pleased to see others still commenting in these threads. You were making fun of it and you crooned the line you are so superduper bravissimo to me like the big goofball that you were. A google search for Demri and Layne brought me here at last. She died of an accidental overdose, her mother will confirm this and its also written on her death certificate. ciao sorry for my english I hope to be understood, I wanted to participate more and share with many of you but as I said I do not know the English language, thank you barbara (admin) and his friend Darim you for sharing your stories . The EMTS never did anything but save your friends life. Im confused. Take care and Thanks so very much again for keeping this site up and running. Layne Staley and Demri Parrott were, according to close friends and bandmates, described as perfect for each other and the term soulmates has been used more than once to define their relationship. She seemed to have style that was individual in fashion and photography. If memory serves, her mother was a counselor while Demri was alive. Barbara you are right on that they suffered from a fatal disease- and also right that drugs arent worth dabbling in. She was of Native American (Cherokee), Irish, Scottish, remote Welsh, English, and Swiss-German descent.
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