Then the priest lets out a huge roar and the whole army roared with him as they saw the most unbelievable sight, a sight that must have been sent by Heaven, a sight that made them question their very eyes. Thats Achilles, my darling. Klytaimestra What was the second message? Enter from Stage Left Klytaimestra and Iphigeneia, accompanied by an entourage of men and women, some of whom are carrying gifts into Agamemnons tent. On my part, I wish you all happiness and may you return to the land of your fathers victorious. Here, friends, take this baby to his father, Agamemnon. The news spread quickly and so the whole army already knows that your daughter has arrived. Come on, wont you beg your father not to kill your big sister? The King feared the prophets words that the boy would grow up to destroy him him and his city and so he tore the baby away from its mothers arms and cast him on the mountainside, hoping that he would die. Let me tell you why I am angry. What star could that be, that one, gliding across the sky up there? Klytaimestra Hes an evil man, my husband. First Chorus Their captain was Eurytus. How could I? What a disgraceful behaviour! I am too ashamed to tell you this pitiful story of mine. Son of the Nereid, you are marrying my daughter. Menelaos is carrying a staff and has nearly finished reading Agamemnons letter which he has torn from the Old Mans hands. Klytaimestra Dear Achilles! employee value proposition model; 10 minute virtual bike ride; application for head of school; dawnelle 120'' wide velvet symmetrical modular sectional with ottoman The opportunity was made for him to elope with her, since Menelaos was absent at the time. He managed to film a Greek tragedy to screen without losing its effectiveness and importance. One of his servants go and tell him that Achilles, Peleas son is here, waiting for him, at the entrance of his tent! Theyve all rushed over there to see her. Related Characters: The Old Man (speaker), Agamemnon , Clytemnestra Related Themes: Because the workings of your mind always have been, are now and always will be, deceitful. CLYTEMNESTRA Now hear me, for my thoughts will I unfold In no obscure and coloured mode of speech. Agamemnon And you shouldnt be hanging around here, among all the soldiers! Dont suppose for one minute that Ill be asking them to treat you well. And if only Zeus had not breathed his contrary wind upon Euripus, this wind that stopped this expedition from leaving for Troy! Let me make it absolutely clear, my lady: I was there and I saw it with my own eyes! Too glad to commit the girl to the goddess. Agamemnon The heir was Peleas. My lady your daughter her father he is about to kill her! Klytaimestra Falls down and clasps Achilles knees. Women, help her. The sun should rise slowly until full daylight is reached just before line 164. 210, First Chorus The two horses in the centre, those that took the weight of the yoke, were dappled with spots of white; the two on the outside carried the traces and they had to negotiate the turns on the track. Second Chorus Look there: our Lords daughter, Iphigeneia, our princess; and there, his wife and Tyndareus daughter, our Lady, Klytaimestra! What do they want to do with you? Agamemnon Look, the sacrificial ceremony is ready. Paristook it and carried her off back to his own home, in Ida, a place where the cows graze in luxurious pastures. Written between 408, after Orestes, and 406 BC, the year of Euripides' death, the play was first produced the following year in a trilogy . Iphigenia at Aulis Cast of Characters: Calchas, an augur Agamemnon, King of Argos Attendant, an old man Menelaus, brother to Agamemnon Clytemnestra, wife of Agamemnon Iphigenia, daughter to Clytemnestra and Agamemnon Achilles, a warrior Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt Messenger Chorus of Women of Chalcis Attendants to Clytemnestra Agamemnon An eloquent covering of a shameful act! Weddings are blessed things but still very tough on the hearts of the brides parents. Who is this exquisite looking woman I see here? 1400. Then you seal the letter. Old Man Psssst! First Chorus I sped through Artemis woods, a place rich with sacrifices, my youthful shyness blushing my cheeks, anxious to see the armys might, the tents of the Greeks and their countless horses. Accept the pure blood from this girls lovely neck! Download Pleiades ancient places geospacial dataset for this text. Towards this now, mother turn your thoughts, and with me weigh how well I speak; to me the whole of mighty. Its a natural thing for men with decent hearts to do the decent thing. The goddess son. This got me so angry that the very next moment I ordered Talthybius to use his powerful voice and call the army to disband. Full of joy and yet tears flow from your eyes 650. Agamemnon Yes, I shall say nothing in my defence. First Chorus We have left behind our land, Chalkis, a land washed by the salty waters of glorious Arethousa and weve travelled through the narrow straights of Euripus to come here, toAulis, to this sandy peninsula. 1279. Old man, come out here! But I have no such skill. 450. In early youth, when first my soul, in love, Held father, mother, brethren fondly twin'd, A group of tender germs, in union sweet, We sprang in beauty from the parent stem, And heavenward grew. The play was set in the small amphitheater at the Getty Villa. First Chorus Words that will not shame your ancestors. Let no Greek touch my body with his hand. Our daughter now lives among the gods. 471. Klytaimestra With Zeus will or against it? Klytaimestra goes into the tent. Then, the moment you became one, all this nice behaviour changed and you had turned your back on all your friends. This surely is nothing more than drivel spat out of the mouth of a mad old man! Old Man You should not have opened this letter! A wise man must keep in his house a good and faithful woman, or else he should never marry! Your old father-in-law, Tyndareus, gave me to your wife, Klytaimestra, as part of her dowry, to be her loyal servant. First Chorus This is the naval force I saw with my own eyes and about which I had heard earlier. Horrible Fate, what a dreadful yoke youve locked me into! Let hers be the last one to do so! 1580. Ha! Old Man You have dared to do a most frightening thing, my lord, Agamemnon! 940. 1000. Mother, no! Agamemnon saw his child on her way to her slaughter and immediately groaned with horrible pain. Listen, mother; hear what thoughts have passed across my mind. The whole city ofAulisis quiet and the guard on the walls has yet to change. They should bring you great joy after such a long absence from your home. The young heifers that will be sacrificed and that will deliver their abundant dark blood to the goddess Artemis are ready. First Chorus The left flank of the Greek armada ended with the twelve trim and fast ships, led byAjaxwhose birthplace isSalamis. My home! The sacrifice of Iphigenia would be covered by Euripides in 'Iphigenia at Aulis' and in this version Agamemnon has second thoughts. View a map of the most frequently mentioned places in this document. Please dont be offended now! It seems that the generals do as they please with me. Soldiers who have been gathered together, away from the chores of their homes and are idle have malice and gossip ready at their tongue. 1230. I would have given it for the sake of my fellow soldiers. The only voice I have, father, my only skill, is in my tears and, here, father, Im giving them to you! Youre drowning me in misery. Chorus There goes the girl wholl soon stain the altar of the murderous goddess with the gushing blood of her beautiful throat! Gone! The first one to call you father, the first one you called daughter. You win, I cry. That light, this light all around us, will cut all other arguments to pieces. A terrible love." Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis tags: euripides , greek-tragedy , iphigenia-at-aulis , power , power-hungry 11 likes Like And the gods will see to that, whether you like it or not. She goes over to her mother and takes baby Orestes in her arms. Look there! Still, the girl came up close to him and said, Daddy, here I am, ready to do as you say. My baby boy, Orestes, will also be there and he, too, will cry. Here we are, eagerly obedient to your wish! Iphigeneia hands baby Orestes to her mother, Iphigeneia If only I could sing like Orpheus, father! At one point he is satisfied with what hes written, seals it with his ring but then, a moment later, he scratches away the seal and re-reads the letter. Palermo, Mus. If the gods are just, then they should reward just men like you. An unrelenting curse. I have brought this bride here with strong hopes for a wonderful marriage. Chorus He is the Trojan Ganymede, the loving delight of Zeus bed! I wrap its limbs around your knees and beg you: Please father, do not cut off my life short. Hide browse bar Here, take him into your arms for the last time. iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me2825 airview blvd kalamazoo, mi 49002. Agamemnon Asopus, the river god, had a daughter,Aegina. 680. IPHIGENIA A T A ULIS presents many problems to the literary and textual critic. Achilles No, Iphigeneia! Here, then, I have suffered the greatest misfortune yet I am ashamed to cry just as I am also ashamed to hold back my tears. Have no fear, the pain will soften with custom and with the passage of time. 1500. The more I hold you in my arms the more the tears rush to my eyes. 1540. 620. But now? Iphigeneia But there is no loss, mummy! Klytaimestra The whole of the Greek army? Klytaimestra Odysseus? My words were brief, blunt and clear. Orpheus, who could charm even the heartless rocks into following him! Menelaos Yes, you may well suffer now because I did break your seal and yes, I do know the secret trickery you were concocting! 1891. Checking out the situation carefully. You ask me what theyve done to me? An introduction to a classic play. The decision is yours and it is a brave one, I admit that. Lift your head up for me, darling, smile for me. Klytaimestra May they be happy there! A prophet? Sweet daughter! Your daughter, my lady, has today seen both death and life! But I will talk: the strong ought to help the weak where they can, even if they have little to do with their plight. Every one of them is just as unbearable! 510. Ah! Oh, Achilles! Exit Achilles. And I also hear what theyve done to me! Please dont do it! Let our friends here see how happy you make me. 950. I would have given it if the Greeks couldnt get to Troy without my doing so. What shocking news of disaster is this? Hes gone mad only so far as your daughter and you are concerned. Last Updated on July 14, 2022, by eNotes Editorial. Fate gave me nothing to be proud of. My friend, neither kill nor be killed because of me. Iphigenia is told that she must prepare for her new life, and that she will be quite alone, far from her parents and home (666, 669). 530. 43. Klytaimestra What? See that there are no wheel marks on the road. Chorus Even though you were not raised among the sounds of the shepherds flute, even though you were raised, instead, by your mothers side, raised to be adorned one day as a bride to one of Iachus descendants, you, my young girl, will be dragged down like a spotted deer, or like a young heifer is dragged down from some rocky mountains cave, dragged down there to the goddess altar. Klytaimestra Ahhh! Think about your daughter for once, Agamemnon and make a fair proposal to your army: Ask them all if they really want to go to Troy and if they do, well then, let them draw lots that will include their own children also! Click anywhere in the Mother, wholl come with me when theyll come and drag me by my hair? There is no need! Who gave you the right to spy upon my affairs? Where is the army going? Im leaving for another world! One of the myths in the Cypria inspired the tragedy Iphigenia in Aulis, written by Euripides (ca. Directing his question to the chorus. But my brother, using all sorts of arguments, finally persuaded me to commit this dreadful deed! Klytaimestra And the feast for us women? Dont force me to become evil! Arent you ashamed of yourself? My Mycenae! Then seiz'd and sever'd me from those I lov'd, And wrench'd with iron grasp the beauteous bands. With him also was his close friend, Adrastus, their commander, ready to exact vengeance forHellas sake, against the woman who fled her husbands halls so as to marry a barbarian. Chorus Where has the strength of your face gone? He is the son of the goddess Thetis, and his tutor was Cheiron, the most honourable of all the centaurs. Iphigenia at Aulis Review I attended Iphigenia in Aulis at the Getty Villa on Thursday, September 21 at 8:00 PM. You just cant imagine Calchas joy, madam! I have tried desperately to send Klytaimestra away from here but Ive failed. Clytemnestra and Iphigenia try to So now, go on, take them all, take all these lunatics, all these soldiers and lead them on to the expedition. Its been such a long time! She goes to her death, so her father won't have to carry the guilt of. 990. You will say that youve killed our daughter so that Menelaos, your brother, can get back his Helen! Old Man My lady, you know who I am and just how loyal Ive been to you and your children.
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