As in one verse it says the Mountains are moving like clouds and in the other it says the Mountains are firmly rooted in the Earth both things can only be true if either the Earth is spinning on its axis or there is continental drift. is an ice wall surrounding the disc of the Earth. After the fact explanation doesnt work whatever science u trying to explain has been plagiarized from Sanskrit vedas .. thats why its half truth and not clear . To understand the significance of this, lets look at the words the Quran uses for the term mountain. It is unbelievable that you people think everything has to be in accordance to the views of modern scientific establishments. All this is absurd, false and contrary to observation.. As we explained in our previous article, in Arabic, the root of a word determines its context of use and associated meanings. But as has been demonstrated, this misinterpretation would be absolutely unacceptable for the following reasons:The verse clearly speaks in the present tense and not in the future tense. Note the following verse: "He merges Night into Day, and he merges Day into Night, and he has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law): each one runs its course for a term appointed. : in the mountains themselves, did every beautiful species come forth, i.e. The Official Site of Philip T. Rivera. It is difficult to classify them, and the scheme adopted here is a personal one. Because in our Islam, Prophet Suleiman indeed knew the languages of animals, He was granted the kingdom of Jinn. If the Quran had described the earth as stationary and the heavenly bodies as revolving around it, then although the people of that time might have been satisfied with this description, the people of the later ages would have treated that statement as a proof of the ignorance of the Qurans author. Besides the above verses, there are numerous other verses of the Holy Qur'an that prove that the earth is stationary and the sun is in rotation. The earth's crust is a solidified shell on which we can live. $18.00. Imagine that. This he termed seafloor spreading. According to the western world, the sun is the stationary centre of the universe and the earth revolves on its own axis as well as around the sun. also, Babylonian mythology says stars at lower heaven does that mean they believed in the multi-universe. Great read there, taught me a thing or two! it could also be that the whole material and space in the universe including the billions stars and galaxies and deep space far beyond our imagination is in fact still below the seven heaven. The Qur'anic earth is flat. He 'yukkawwir' (rolls) the night over the day and 'yukkawwir' (rolls) the day over the night. It ends with a lasting tribute to the creative faculty of God, Who has created all things with such firmness that they cannot be dislodged. Forsake the myths of the taghoot and embrace the the words of Allah. SO when Allah says earth is a bed spread out, it is an expanse I feel that is so true and I feel that is what earth means, not a spinning ball. THUS IS SO FUNNI IM SORRY IM LAUGHING SO HARD, Not just Qran but in Pakistan imams are saying to kids that earth is not jus flat but it is still(not revolving) and sun comes around it makrs day and night and is not stationary as the FEM suggests. It was one of the greatest geological discoveries of history. He has served as the science editor for the Review of Religions (one of the oldest English-language magazines on comparative religions), writes for national and online media, and is a speaker on University lecture circuits on issues relating to Muslim youth and Islam in the modern world. Hence such a translation is out of the question. seven universes and of the earth their like. Early Muslims however believed this related to the two extreme points on the horizon where the sun rose and set from and to, during the height of Summer and the depth of Winter. For this, we must turn to a different verse of the Quran. The Quran clearly describes in many instances that the sky is a ceiling and cannot be penetrated, and never once mentions galaxies or space or void. In favour of this Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) wrote the following treatises: In his first treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has discussed the earth theory in light of the Quran and Hadith that the earth and sky are static, by quoting several verses from the Holy Quran. Alhumdulillah we are muslims. That the first heaven is probably immaterial or beyond time and space, and probably doesnt have the properties of even quantum physics and all that. But only for those who would make use of their reason. Of course they will quickly jump and say there are verses that say the Deen of God is Islam, this shows how ignorant and blind they are, they brand the name Islam and do not even attempt to translate it to submission, deceiving the masses into a cult called Islam, the path of God is submission to him not Islam. the bird will also move together with the branch due to the earths motion. And its opponent, the east bound having toiled for an hour and having traversed 1035 miles will find itself only a mile away from the branch of that tree and that too, to its west. I would be glad to have a discussion with you. Verse from the Quran shows that the Earth is not a spinning ball but is rather a stationary Earth with a (circular) disc like shape where the Moon and the Sun both orbit above the Earth. No, not at all. Please read the following commentary for the next few pages linked:®ion=E54. Book Review Emergence by Damir Rafi: A Story of Discovery, Unity and Fulfilment, What Cornish Cows Taught Me About the Meaning of Life, Book Review: Craig Considines Islam, Race and Pluralism Provides a Path to Unity,, 5) "The truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters" [Quran 3:60] In fact, wonder upon wonder is heaped in these verses. Eric Dubay 200 proofs the earth is not a spinning ball) One of the words used is madad from the Arabic root which literally means to pull or stretch something by pulling. Thank you for your concern but were good. Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology. Does the Quran Say the Sun Sets in a Muddy Spring? There is no religion in the Quran, Muslims invented a religion called Islam, nowhere mentioned in the Quran, the Quran calls all mankind to submit to God the creator of the heavens and the earth. News: Forum Policy God then gave the earth form, and that form was flat. Rather, the point of both of these sources is to instruct humans regarding the manner in which they should live in order to recognize God and attain to felicity. There are other verses, besides those given at the beginning of this article, using which WikiIslam argues that the Quran presents a flat Earth. Such is the work of Allah Who made everything firm and strong. The point on the surface of the earth just above the focus (center) is called the epicenter. The mid-Atlantic is the largest mountain range in the world, running a huge course on the seafloor of the Atlantic ocean. we showed through analysis of the roots of each word, that they refer to two different types of mountains: mountains on land (Jibaal) and undersea mountains known as seamounts in Geology (Rawaasiya). The matter of the spreading of the Earth, cited earlier, is one such example. But I dont think that the seven heavens mean layers of the atmosphere, because in verse 41: 13 it says that the lowest heaven is adorned with lamps: Such a statement is a sure sign of the Prophet Muhammad's truth, peace be upon him. DONATE TODAY to Ex-Muslims of North America: scholar teaches kids that science is wrong and that the earth does not rota. In his second treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has elaborated that the sun is in motion while earth is static based on astronomical observations and calculations. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], In another verse it is stated, The sun and the moon have been set proportionately. [Surah 55, Verse 5], This refers to the speed of the moon and the sun, which is determined by Allah Taala. Ibn Hazm and others quoted this verse as evidence. An official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. This is all according to a hadith I heard. I think that you should inform yourself some more about the Michaelson and Morley experiment, which was one of the scientific experiments that became famous because it failed completely. We Muslims are in the sorry state we are today because we put this so called Science above the Quran. People have been brain washed in believing in satanist and darwin evolution theories. Many people dont believe now because there are ants and birds talking to people in Quran, so doesnt that mean by your applied logic, Allah shouldnt have mentioned such stories either. But how can we know for sure that the verse is talking particularly about seafloor spreading that occurs at the bottom of the ocean? But Alhamdulillah the way I used to perceive the things has been completely changed. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], Allah Taala further states, The sun is not permitted to overtake the moon, nor can the night overtake the day. The process, he realised, verified the theory of continental drift. which symbolises matter, were one entity and they were ripped apart (exploded). Therefore it is a clear denial and rejection of the Quranic verses to accept the sun as the static centre and the earth revolving around it. He overlaps the night over the day and overlaps the day over the night, and enslaved the sun and the moon. If the earth is really a sphere why did not God say it is a ball, or even hint to that, not once. Earth ( ) Earth (. , except by His permission. pizzeria storgatan 27 borgholm; why does grapefruit taste like soap; nome astratto di vedere And He makes His wrath descend on those who will not use their reason. [10:101]. This is because he would be pulled towards the centre of gravity of the disc, which is no longer below his feet, but farther away from him and at the centre of the disc. Further, the implication is that this refers to a literal process, since the reader is literally asked to see this process occurring. Not to burst their bubble, but the atmosphere of Earth actually is composed of multiple layers. It is noteworthy that the early commentaries maintain silence on the true meaning of this verse which suggests that it was too difficult for them to interpret. The significance of this was not realised until, in 1962, Admiral Harry Hess published a groundbreaking paper in the History of Ocean Basins in which he demonstrated, through his sonar analysis of the ocean floor, that the further laterally you moved from the mid-ocean volcanoes (such as the mid-Atlantic ridge), the older the land became. However, please take a look at chapter 79, verses 30, 31, 32 (in the commonly used Quran). Some number the layers as four, others as seven, above the layer in which we exist (the Troposphere), which is precisely what the Quran states: And We have created above you seven layered heavens (lying one above the other), and We are never neglectful of the creation. [23:18]. If they had read with care the end of the same verse they would have been left with no room for any misunderstanding. And We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps for light and for protection. Menu and widgets Why this logically follows is beyond me. as a larger sector of the Sun gradually dips below the horizon. The Quran refers to how the earth has been "spread" and "expanded" so that mankind can use the ground to sit on, to sleep on and to travel on. 2 . And He is the One who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; The FEM is a geocentric model whereby the Earth is stationary while the Sun and the Moon rotate above the flat Earth. In this verse, God describes how He is literally destroying land at its outlying borders. The point is so absurd it needs no refutation. We all know NASA only show us CGI images of Earth. This force is gravity; the words in 22:65 confirm the force of gravity. jobb willys helsingborg; May 28, 2022 . This is an irrelevance and carries no weight. As this verse from the Quran states, Allah's mercy encompasses everything and is boundless, meaning that no matter what we are asking forgiveness from, we should always ask for it with sincerity and inshallah we will be answered. Einstein later explained very well why it failed. Stop supporting the west. Further details will be highly appreciated This is by no means that I want to prove that the earth is stationary but want to understand the deeper meaning of the verses. ArtofBreeAnna. The Qur'an mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse: "And we have made the earth egg shaped". i do not need scientific theory to tell me that earth is a sphere. This verse confirms that the Earth with its 2 sides: a dark side (Night) and a lit side (Day) travels in an orbit and is not stationary as the FEM suggests. But in fact, that the exact opposite is happening: you are in fact moving while the landscape outside your window is stationary. Ocean floor spreading is not the answer The verses about the earth being spread talk in the past tense and are in the context of the creation of the heaven and earth (spreading and continental drift rather are ongoing processes). Set not up, therefore, equals to Allah, while you know. [2:23], And the earth We have spread out [farashna], and how excellently do We prepare things! [51:49], And the earth have We spread out [madadna], and set therein firm mountains and caused everything to grow therein in proper proportion. [15:20], And the earth We have spread it out [madadna-ha], and placed therein firm mountains; and We have made to grow therein every kind of beautiful species. [50:8], He, Who has made the earth for you a cradle [mahd], and has made pathways, for you therein, that you may follow the right way [43:11], It is He Who has made the earth for you a cradle [mahd], and has caused pathways for you to run through it; and Who sends down rain from the sky, and thereby We bring forth various kinds of vegetation. [20:54], And Allah has made the earth for you a wide expanse [bisaat] [71:20], And the earth, along with it, He spread forth [dahaa]. [79:31]. Once again, it was thought that the Earth is stationary and flat and was returned to its old position at the centre of the universe. Is It Obligatory to Believe That the Earth Is Stationary and That the Sun Orbits Around It. Gol = round. How do we know this? I bear witness that I do not associate any partners with Allah and I do not mock his book, neither do I measure or compare it with science in order for me to believe in it. The birds referred to are not literal birds but highly spiritual people, though a few other interpretations are possible, none of which include talking birds. The consequence is the formation of a mountain. STAND in the above verse cannot be literal but metamorphic. 79:35 {and the earth after that, he made flat}, even though some modern people try to say that the word "dahi" means an egg, so dahaha means made an egg shape, but this wrong since dahaha means made flat and dahaha for making an egg . God is Benevolent and Merciful towards the people. Ahmadi Muslims taking on the big questions with a light touch. Now look in the previous sentence Firstly: If this is the knowledge of the slave of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), then what must be the knowledge of the Beloved Rasool (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) himself? In other words, there is nothing decisive in the meaning indicated by such verses that would prevent us from understanding them in a manner that corresponds to contemporary scientific evidence. In fact the Quran in many verses compares the Earth with the seven heavens (skies), never once compared the Earth with planets, the sun or the moon, because they completely differ, it is like comparing a house to a banana, furthermore, the Earth was created before the heavens as the Quran says. Indeed, "God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2. What will the heavens and the earth establish/maintain by the command of Allah. And there is it I take my leave from the people who have furthur gone Astray. When the parents flatten out the terrain before laying. Digging had to be abandoned at that depth because the temperature reached 180 C which was damaging to the equipment used in the drilling. This shows how Islam as a belief or religion is shaping the peoples overall view of life. He has written for the Huffington Post, Patheos and the Guardian. Hereunder is an extract from the book Fauz-e-Mubeen to show us that not only does the Holy Quran disprove the western school of thought, but Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has also scientifically proven (with extensive calculations, explanations and proofs) that the earth is stationary and the sun revolves around in an orbit. With this in mind, the basic principle is that whenever a literal or outward reading of a verse of the Quran or an authentic saying of the Prophet seems to contradict a decisively established point of fact, then that verse or saying is interpreted in a manner that accords to this established point of fact. Moreover, the word jibaal is never conjoined with the Earth spreading out. eg Mankind establish the salat, and maintain building/mosque etc. Quran Miracle As It Says Sun Is Not Stationary But Quran almost around 1400 years ago told us that the Sun is also not stationary and also tells about the movement of planets, Earth and all celestial bodies in space and also around their own axis. This is not what the Quran says at all. The Quran says that when the night and the day overlap, they make a ball (sphere): Quran 39:5. It is therefore incumbent on us to believe what the Holy Quran teaches us and to reject the western school of thought. Karo = do It is an established fact that without the atmospheric layers, the Earth would be inhospitable for life, since it blocks harmful rays from the sun, traps heat, and contains oxygen. In our article on whether mountains decrease the effects of earthquakes (they do!) I wanted to ask you that the words you mentioned above which are firash, farash, bisaat, madadna etc I cant find these arabic words in the quranic verses and you mentioned a quranic verse 20:54 it dont say anything about earth but it only says bout pasture the livestock.. And you also said that dhul qarnayn is referred to cyrus the great but as far as I know dhul qarnayn was Allahs prophet whi sealed yog and magog in a wall away from humanity so youre saying cyrus did that? They mean that the Earth is stationary and the Sun moves around the Earth and thus we have day and night. The Earths crust is also consumed in other places, to produce a continuous conveyer-belt effect of production and destruction. Tahir Nasser is a writer, moonlighting as a medical doctor. In 1953, one of the largest structures on the planet was discovered by two geologists Marie Tharp and Bruce Heezen: the mid-Atlantic ridge. Nor was the sunna primarily interested in elucidating points of scientific fact. The Quran was sent down before that. These terms can mean he either evened out and extended it or he . The Holy Quran, Chapter 79, Verse 30 + The "dahu" in the Arabic Language means to extend and even out. The Big Bang model is thus rejected since it suggests that the universe started to expand immediately after its creation and is continuing to do so.
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