Tired, cranky, no patience. Especially when I realized that my kids have never known me as a non smoker! You all are awesome and I love you!! I feel so tired, that why I actually got on line to look it up. I urge everyone to refrain from vaping anything," Dr. Melodi Pirzada, a pediatric pulmonologist at NYU Winthrop, told Insider. I quit smoking about 2 years ago & been vaping since. I downloaded quit guide as a reminder for why I wanted to quit. Now, Im doing it on my own terms and am determined to last longer than last time. In essence, the repair started at my mouth and has slowly worked down through my body and now 8 months later I feel much better apart from some muscle aches each afternoon. I am day 3 no vape and the withdrawls are intense! Once you read it and understand it (sometimes it takes reading it twice to sink in) then quitting becomes MUCH easier. My very LIFE depends on it! YOU HATE SMELLING LIKE SMOKE!!! Good luck to everyone quitting, you can do it. What Helps With Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms? After 18yrs its almost 6 weeks without nicotine COLD TURKEY is the only way. I quit cold turkey each time I got pregnant (3 times) and stupidly got hooked on them again after 6 months of breastfeeding each kid. MY INNOCENTS, MY CHILDHOOD, MY FAMILY Cant change the past, but, I can change the future. 1st week was very hard. She is there to help. Lots of water Lots of texting the Smokers Helpline Lots of deep breaths. Head and neck cancers are often curable if caught early. 5 days here having that throat scratchy chest tightness thing which really triggers my anxiety! i have read about people having tightness/pain for a month and i really am afraid of that. Day14 not smoking after 45 years of smoking. After suffering from a mild bronchitis (early pneumonia) and receiving some treatment antibiotics and syrups- my doctor advised me not to smoke through this 10-day treatment. A hallmark of quitting cigarettes is the bad mood, high temper, and frustration that a smoker experiences. Your body stays in a fight-or-flight process that increases your inflammation. This is so hard! You may or may not feel comfortable telling them you were vaporizing though. Today is 2 weeks quit for me. You might feel more tired than usual when youre in the process of quitting smoking because of the effects of nicotine withdrawal. Take comfort in numbers. Its so weird. I know I can get past this 3-4 day hard time part! i quit vaping 4 days ago (mostly if not all disposables for about 3 years) and i am having slight chest pain/tightness that sort of moves on the right side of my chest (different spots on my chest). I have been a smoker for nearly 30 years. Good luck everyone. Hi , and also vaping drys you out , so even though you quit , you may be extremely de-hydrated . Now, Mitchell's lung capacity is at 25% its full potential and his doctors said it could take one to four years for his lungs to return to their full capacity. when does it stop? Last night I felt like someone was jumping on my chest. Quit Smoking weed, now have shortness of breath. over a year ago, ET Most of the symptoms peak approximately 3-5 days after quitting and then begin to taper off. Following such 10 day period i decided to try to quit. As stated in other comments, read Allen Carrs book Easyway to Quit smoking or check out goggle reviews I will make it ALOT EASIER TRUST ME. It was all an unnecessary monkey on my back! When I had a week moment, I would always go to a website and lookup the benefits of quitting and I told myself, I am a NON SMOKER and I am PROUD of that. Causes of Phlegm After Quitting Smoking. Tried quitting many times but always started again. My mannerisms were happy. I just want to love things in my life again, I dont want to only kind of love them like I do now. Its a tough habit to break! Sure, you can say that cuz you have never been there. These cravings cause extreme anxiety and agitation. I felt so sick in so many ways for about 2 days but it subsided and I have no cravings just like moments of forgetfulness that I quit. I say ride it out and you'll feel better soon. Im 29 and been smoking since I was 18. And for those that are only on here to critique the way people write/spell/express themselves, your missing the ENTIRE message of this post and the reviews of those that are trying to make a positive change in their lives ! Ex-Smokers Reveal What Helped Them Actually Quit Smoking For Good, According to a 2018 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, daily e-cigarette use doubles a persons risk for a heart attack. Its Taken many attempts and been much much harder. I have two cigarettes left. No excuses, am having family crisis which makes it hard as I use to comfort myself by smoking. Ive given up a couple of times before but never for long. I have attached an extract from the web for info . I guess you can say I was a social smoker. Some people "gulp" their vape and, in effect, swallow some of it while inhaling. I also have had a bunch of cancer sores spring up that have made my mouth incredibly painful since quitting and a constant sore throat. Researchers are not sure why headaches are so common during nicotine withdrawal, but it may have something to do with the fact that smoking constricts the blood vessels that lead to the brain, and blood vessel changes, in general, are often linked to headaches. My vaping was equivalent to the nicotine of 2.5 packs of cigarettes. Im on day 12, no nicotine at all. My husband smokes, and I wont ask him to quite, because I know if you dont do it yourself, you wont do be able to do it. Waking with diziness and headache beddragging feel disorientation feels like total shit state. Worst habit I ever picked up, and I will succeed. Could be an additive in your w. I am happy about not smoking most of time. I quit in 2018, I have tried it before but this time it was abrupt! I smoked cigs for 10 years. I began on 18mg nic and weaned down to 0mg nic in this time frame. Then I decided Id had enough of this stupid smoking stick that controlled my everyday. Now Im on my day3 nicotine free. I am determined to beat this and not let cigarettes ever take control of my life again! 7 years later I am trying again. What do people do when they smoke so long with all these side effects I feel like Im losing my mind! Then, i started vaping about 4 years ago. I feel like putting a patch on will set me back a day so I wont do it. I get chest tightness after vaping to much. Saying its like losing a friend really resonated with me. Its a good thing I can work from home because the crying jags in the office arent cool. Still having fatigue feeling unhappy lose of interest in activities fuddle minded mood swing all day worst at night headache all the time songs and exercise helping me to quit. I have been smoking for 30 years and I am tired of smoking. Best off luck to your all. How Does Smoking Affect Your Heart And Raise Cholesterol Levels? On day four, feel really unwell, chills, nausea, head ache. Make up your mind. That would be so much worse than vaping. I am now 33 and looking at seriously giving it up but Im scared as hell. Good Luck to All. I am vaping no nicotine but not even that very much! And to tell you the truth I enjoy correction I enjoyed smoking . She finally beat her addiction to nicotine 16 years ago. I given up for 7 days now gone cold turkey for fouur of thise days its been hard but feels great to know you are in charge of you not the cigs. My question for you though is I notice you posted this 3 weeks ago, have you noticed any improvements since then? Ive been toying with the idea for about a year. i hope your issue will get resolved prayers . the first week of going cold turkey. Head off this feeling by having things to do to keep your fingers busy. I quit vaping 4 days ago and for 2 days now my chest has been feeling really tight and painful. This is my 17th day, I have gone almost cold turkey, wore patches for the first 2 days then chewed the occasional piece of nicotine gum since then. Yes, first days have been like that for me. Oh well. Been almost 24 hours and havent had one second of releif. According to the CDC: More than 2800 e-cigarette users have required hospital admission due to EVALI through February 2020; 68 of these people died. yesterday i quit smoking i feel so confident but withdrawals are there. So, Im doing it cold turkey. Itll be good, itll be alright. Used a starter vape kit to quit. My symptoms are horrible, over sweating, shaking, weak, nausea, loss of apatite. I was doing fine and i thought that quitting smoking would improve my running performance. whatever that means but now my symptoms are a very sharp pain in my lower throat(possibly my lymph nodes) every once in a while this is very rare. Seems a bit strange, like I was always a non smoker, been easier than I thought but experiencing some mild headache and insomnia. For anyone having trouble quitting, I would suggest reading Allen Carrs Easy Way To Stop Smoking. No scare tactics, more about the positives of being nicotine and smoke free. OHHH BARKEY. This time June 14/18 no withdrawal systems gofigure!! Only powder capsules or gel caps. I quit vaping 3.5 weeks ago, and started chewing gum. I feel the same..how much day will it take to pass this.. Im very glad you quit the cigs, and the vape. Im not telling you this to put you down, Im honestly telling you this to give you strength. Its been over a month now and i feel better this time around. Really, whats the big deal? I guess try to be as honest as you feel you can be. Change up your routines. My advise to anyone is. Is there any tips and advice for me? However, after you quit, your blood circulation will begin to improve, as blood vessels return to their normal diameter. But Im 25, 120 lbs, and I know I got this. My main problem is depression without Cigarettes. It sounds like it has been a while since your last vape. Changed diet to eliminate Sodium. Ive been a smoker for 33 years now and have been smoke free for 53 days today Im proud to say. Ive smoked 20 a day for 50 years, so I can understand why its hit me so hard, but I never expected it to get more and more difficult as each week passes by. Partner smokes. Ask for their patience if youre a little grumpy. You know- I considered switching to e cigs and vapes but I just do not want this addiction anymore. The list can help remind you of your motivation. Reading other quit stories when youre exhausted is pure gold. Im on day two of Nicotine Replacement Patch Im craving cigs more today than yesterday The headache is the worst. If you quit, however, the risk begins to fall very quickly. I never had an anxiety attack until I stop smoking cigarettes . In this time I also earned my medical degree with a specialization in addiction treatment and counseling. Similar here- quit cigarettes and got hooked on nicotine gum for over 10 years. CONGRATULATIONS! You'll start noticing smells more and may find that certain strong odors are particularly unpleasant. Hope you could get through that first day. Why you're feeling it. Many thanks, Hi Melanie, thanks for writing, its normal to be scared. Also Wal-Mart has a bottle of sleep aides for $4.00 That is Equate sleep aide. Im going to read the book How to quit smoking the easy way very soon as I think it will help bring important things to my memory. Aged 28, smoked 15-20 on a weekday, 20-40 on weekend days for 10 years. Tightness in the chest and foggy in the head. Just pissed off with the weight gain 11 lbs in five weeks. Sounds easier saying it but it is the truth. See your doctor right away if you vape any kind of product and get any of the above symptoms. The last week has given me slight headaches and unusual dreams, neither of which have bothered me. Anyone whos vaped in the last 90 days is at risk for EVALI. I really do appreciate hearing everyones stories so I know that I am not alone in feeling these things, and also I have loved to hear how even the depression gets better, it just takes time!! I also feel very tired which is tough bcuz I work 3rd shift and I always feel like tired anyways! Developed Afib. Again Good luck to all. Ive made plenty of attempts to quit in the past but never made it a few hours without smoking..SMDH? Here I go again, except I this time I primed myself with the metal preparations for a couple weeks before jumping right in. Someone in my Myspace group shared this website with us so I came to take a look. Vaping with a JUUL can be as dangerous as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. I just want to die quit smoking 6 weeks ago with the help of the patch took last one off tonight and I am so irritable and want to die I hate this feeling cant take it, Hi Karla, I have smoked for 40 years and recently went to the NRT which I was addicted to as well! I quit cigs four years ago and replaced with a vape. My teeth and gums were so sensitive I could hardly brush them for 4 weeks. I recently just quit everything all together,and I have been experiencing tingling and like hot flashes in my chest. I read this whole article on nicotine withdrawal and quitting smoking, and then the author has a little blurb at the end about how he turned to vaping. Your smoking habit is probably very predictable, and most likely, you smoke at the same time every day. What tools did you use to stop? Ive been extremely agitated for the last few days, but that is passing finally. Plan to double it, then triple it, etc. Only down side is the stomach pains and wanting to sleep more than usual. Anywayquit on May 13. So far, experts believe chemicals like formaldehyde and acrolein could be to blame, as well as vitamin E acetate, a component of vegetable oil that is often used to turn nicotine or THC into the aerosol users then inhale. Smoker for 35 years and was definitely ready to quite. Im on the same path as well. On about the 12 and 13 day, the cravings came back hard, but brief. I hope you made it through yours. I have to quit! Like StarDose said, nicotine and caffeine don't help. Ive only been vape free for two weeks, I never want it to come back, I sometimes miss the oral act of smoking/vaping, but I can find my way without that. It worked!!! But today Jan 4, 2018 11:55 pm I think I am experiencing something else. You can do it! As a general rule you will find that in 2 or 3 days your sense of smell and taste returns. As soon as I have 1 drink, Im itching for a cigg. I quit three days ago and struggling, 1st day without cig,smoked for 50.quit for 2 yrs with chantix, cant take again not allowed to mix with antidepressants.have to do it this time cold turkey, have to have faith. Best Methods To Beat Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms. Coupled with the knowledge that the craving will only last a few minutes. Addiction Treatment: How Can Nicotine Patches Help You Become Free From Smoking? It is very hard. first of all I'd like to apologize for my English and I don't know if this is the right section to post this. I was even an hour and a half late for work because when I finally did fall asleep, I slept right through my alarms. Haber's suggestion of deep breathing sounds like an excellent idea. i started smoking in 1981 and now quitting in April 2018 almost after 37 years. I read it and it worked for me. Gl everyone. Rachel Boykan, MD, clinical associate professor of pediatrics, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University. It's very common to experience breathing and circulatory issues after quitting. Thanks tcgenius! Now on day six, I feel pretty normal again and the hideous cravings have gone away. Ive just reached 6 weeks and I feel terrible finding it really hard to find pleasure in activities I used to enjoy. Joanna Tsai, MD, pulmonologist, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. This is my 3rd week so I need to read & listen to encouraging comments like yours. I feel like Im sick everyday. Quitting smoking 1: improves health status and enhances quality of life. its purely self discipline. This desire for another cigarette can seem nearly constant throughout the first week. I have no plans of getting back to nicotine back. I quit cold turkey almost 2 weeks ago, I been feeling anxiety, alergy or illness like symptoms. On day 3. Look up stop smoking Allen Carr and you should be able to find it. Ill just put this out here Ive smoked cigarettes on and off for 15 years. But that doesnt mean vaping nicotine is safer. You may have thought that smoking improves your concentration: it probably actually did, although the effects were mild. I gave up heroin in 2007 and that seemed like a walk in he park compare to cigarettes. There are herbal non addictive anti depression alternatives. I KNOW that they are for me! Quit once back in December, started for no reason again in March. I wont buy illicit cigarettes! But that was one more case of me trying to place the responsibility to quit (and to WANT to quit) on others when Im the only one that can want it enough to make it happen. I have an e-cig, that has re-fillable filters. Your chest pain might disturb you a lot, and you may be startled. Also, I reach out to a good friend who is a non smoker of 8 years and he has helped me get through my cravings big time! Not knowing your gear, or the builds you use, 120ml a week is normal for many people here, especially with subohm high wattage vaping. Still dont sleep well. In addition to helping you temporarily escape from any discomfort from nicotine withdrawal, it will also help your body to heal. Dr said to see a psychologist??? This was previously subdued with the nicotine. Its been 3 weeks no smoking and i started on the vaping. its been 7 days without a thought or craving. Beginning to think quitting might be a mistake. Acupuncture finally did the trick for me. Good luck to everyone trying 95% psychological and 5% physical on the withdrawal symptoms remember they soon subside. I quit with mild discomfort. quit three years ago and went to vaping. (Heres what you need to do in order to breathe better.). Wet lung is an immune system disorder that affects the lung, and occurs in some people after breathing in certain substances they're sensitive to. This is week one. You may be given corticosteroids to lessen inflammation in the lungs. It is a feeling you will have to deal with for the rest of your life. Nicotine is addictive, and you may experience some minor and temporary symptoms. Stu. Although withdrawal symptoms, such as chest pain, may raise concerns,. think healthy thoughts.. you can breathe, taste things better, smell the flowers, you can do this have a carrot. He is more of a chain smoker and it probably harder for him to quit. Maybe dabbing isn't agreeing with you. Would need support and distractions from anyone who can find time. There is just too much for them to fight. "It is at this point very clear that vaping is not only unhealthy, but it is very dangerous. The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. This can include cleaning supplies, like bleach, or things such as refilling your car's gas tank. i smoked for 30 years and i stopped a month ago and i had no idea of the symptoms. I think I would still be smoking without it. Cookie Notice Ive been smoking for 30 years. Eventually, researchers tied these cases to vaping. How long did your withdraw symptoms last ? Obviously not for support. Instead of being irritable and all that I just felt spacey and lightheaded but it actually felt great. Although fatigue is a vague symptom, the CDC said people who were hospitalized after vaping often reported feeling fatigued either days or weeks after using an e-cigarette. Today is the end of day 1 without smoking. After over 30 years of smoking (I did quit for a year and a half back in 2000), I am free! I have COPD symptoms that I never had. During the the age 18-23 I could smoke one day and months could pass and I wouldnt crave it. How long does this usually last? Will the emotional aftermath of quitting ever relax and subdue to feeling better. This could significantly reduce your likelihood of some infections and complications from illnesses like the flu and pneumonia. I didnt expect all this, but I am persevering though as Im sick of being tied to something all the time !! A hard time breathing Shortness of breath Chest tightness Belly pain Loss of appetite (not hungry) Nausea and vomiting Diarrhea Weight loss Some people say their symptoms formed over a few. I am a long time chain smoker. But I feel like doing the same things I did before and coping..no point in putting off the triggers because I enjoy wine. Now I am 77 and still active as a electronic engineer. But now its not the best option due to some world tendencies. It's difficult to do exercise and when I do I am in a lot of discomfort and loose my breath too much. If 20 a day is smoke what is the ideal tapering down amount going to be for and how long? About 2-3 months for me too now. over a year ago, CaliCarp I and my girlfriend decided that we set the date of June 1, 2018, to stop smoking. That is a long time in such a short life. Knitting or crocheting, woodworking, or even a game on your phone can be good distractions and replacements for that nervous habit. I have been walking every day and I do yoga but if I dont move constantly, its tough. It is completely normal to feel some tightness in your chest. I cant give in and buy a pack if I dont have any money. Like a habit of oh, I would vaping right now and lose the thought process that I quit for just a moment. i have also had the feeling in the right side of my back more recently. I am a 27 year smoker. I decided to get and a vape, its been 3 weeks now, Ive vaping 6 and 3 of nicotine, and will start to mix 3 and 0 from next week. Although the exact cause of these digestive system reactions is unknown, the sheer number of chemicals in vapes are likely linked to the nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that some people experience after vaping too much. over a year ago. It makes sense out of all Im trying to do. For every cigarette that felt great, there were hundreds more that you did not want to smoke but had to because your addiction demanded it. I quit two times before and this never happenedI think they put new drugs in cigs to make them stronger and harder to quit. Now I am on champagne two weeks in. I am 28, and have stopped a few times. Its not for everyone but Ive been smoke free for a week now thanks to Chantix. I just told my brain LISTEN your lungs will not take in any more smoke . I didnt imagine that nicotine withdrawal was even a thing. Excessive heat, high nicotine, or maybe even the specific flavorings in a particular e-liquid could be the cause. Im anxious about quitting but I am coming up with a plan to give up coffee too; I will drink green tea instead, and go for many walks, Pilates, yoga, whatever I can. The increased appetite is nice because covid, a week after getting the vaccine, made me lose my appetite! Havent smoked for 2 and a half months now. Within the first 1 to 9 months after quitting vaping, the lung's capacity to clear out mucus and fight off infections significantly increases. Ive been turning the TV on mute and stopping dead in my tracks since I quit smoking after 35yrs! Once you get through the first month, the road ahead becomes much rosier. That is the nature of addiction. Each day using less and less. Thanks to everyone who has shared their story, I will just come back to this site on a daily basis for motivation! I just refuse to light a cigarette and when I had a craving I told myself NO, I prefer NOT to smoke! Some of the people on here have said that after a month all of these extra little anguishes get better, I am going to choose to believe that for the both of us! 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting, your risk of heart attack drops. Had a couple of cravings last week, but they were very weak and after all I went through, it is just not worth it to start smoking again. The wife and I are both on the same track and she is vaping with me. Believe that you can do it, and you will! Quitting nicotine is equivalent or worse then heroin and cocain. and feel extremely exhausted! However, to be fair on the article (and others I have read) it is stating that nicotine is as addictive as heroin but it doesnt compare the withdrawal symptoms. Love to hear it all worked out for you. Now Im Wellbutrin but the withdraws are awful. Believe me, it was horrible first 5 days. M thinking of quitting but not abel to but when i saw all t comments made my mind to quit now i smoked aroud about 15 years now wann to be a non smoker. You will sleep like a baby. First withdrawal was okay, didnt feel much of a struggle. several companies offer nicotine free vape juice. So for all of us, lets hang on, we will be glad we did. I was experiencing SOB with exertion and had a bad cough. Because you didnt actually quit nicotine when you quit cigs.. Was considering taking up vaping to help quitThanks so much for your post and best of luck to you. I cut coffee as well cold turkey to help with the blood pressure. Iam still vaping after 14 months no nicotine but iam sick of the juice i feel i need nicotine i think i quit the nicotine to early, Chills? Just wondering from ex smokers how long it took for them to not have cravings anymore etc? This time I am using Chantix. I'm so discouraged, frustrated and guess just mad that my breathing has seemed to get worse the longer I'm not smoking! Wanting to share my experience in hopes it can help someone else. Improved circulation, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and better oxygen levels and lung function all reduce your risk. Like cold sweats? When you quit, youll need to change your associations at those times. Honestly to get me through the first week. Sounds the exact same as every post here actually. Today marks my 1 month nicotine free and i can still feel the tiredeness, a bit of anxiety, sleepy at work and i know i can pass this. THC is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that gets you high. If this is day one I cant imagine what day 5 will be like. Good luck to everyone though. I am experiencing anxiety every now and then and high blood pressure (it goes up to 150-160/80-90), probably triggered by the anxiety. 24 hours later BP reading leveled to 125/92; 29 further hours later it is 118/66. I smoked for many years before swapping to Nicorettes. Consider beginning some positive new habits like snacking on healthier foods, like fruits and vegetables, and getting regular exercise like taking a walk. Chest-tightness. Were you on any BP meds at the time? But its something better than nicotine. I started smoking when I was 16, then switch to a Juul so I could hit in class without Ms. Leri noticing. Although I got down to 6mg nicotine with the vape juice, I was vaping all the time so finding quitting this cold turkey a lot harder (Ive tried cutting down in the past but didnt work for me). I tried quitting vaping before, 3 years ago. Now where do I start and how.. Hi there! I am on day 3 and breathing deeply. I just have cravings, no side effects that are noticeably getting me down. Lets move onto the mental side here. I have to remember why I wanted to quit. I smoked for 8 years, and have found that replacing the habit with exercise has proven tremendously helpful. the only thing i cant figure out is is its been 2 months now, and the 1st month and a half was no problem i didnt have cravings and i didnt raid the fridge. I think that has HELPED. Ive got serious depression episodes and anxiety and I felt like my brain was exploding! Due to heart problems now. For the last 8 days I vaped 0mg juice. So when I vape (even if I smoked a cig) same result heavy chest tight chest. I was always able to quit cold turkey. These include: changing the function of the lungs. competitions in the Athens Marathon contest. Kept patches in case..but thank God didnt needed them. I toss and turn and when I sleep I have these really bizarre yet realistic dreams i can remember. "i'm having chest pain just about every time i have smoked marijuana over the past 3 months. 28 years smoking. Quitting these cigarettes arent easy either. Vaping-related lipoid pneumonia is the result of inhaling oily substances found in e-liquid, which sparks an inflammatory response in the . It may not display this or other websites correctly. I have cravings 30 times a day. Since yesterday I started to feel anxiety. One less ciggy a day equals 365 less ciggies a year. So say a prayer for me too . We can all make it through that!! Not too pricy either. When the going gets tough, remind yourself that millions of people have made it through the tough experience of quitting. DONT give up everything at once. I think giving up the vape will be a challenge, but the way I see it If I can stop smoking those nails and stay off of them, I can handle quitting the vape too! These chemicals cause the cilia, or the natural filters in your lungs, to go dormant. Don't share smoking or vaping products. I am 48 hours into quitting smoking. I quit Match 21st so far do good I actually have half a pack in my car still For me this is also a fight about something controlling me and Im not having it. Just hope I can really stop this time. I am determined to quit, so I know I am not going back.
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