NOTE: I am not affiliated in any way with this drumming programit simply works for me, thats all Im saying. Dont give up drumming! I agree that yours is most likely tensor tympani syndrome, which is like a muscle spasm in the ear. 2. Why Drumming Is Healing But, the benefits you receive when you take this type of class are so much greater than those of your average aerobics class. Tania. Highly recommend. I love it so much. Also, please check out Mary Knyshs website: Both Christine and Jim offer online training. And if that means . Drumming can have positive effects on your health and may help with many conditions from stress, fatigue, and anxiety, to hypertension, asthma, chronic pain, arthritis, mental illness, addiction, and even cancer. I hadnt realized ex-cons were benefitting from hand drumming too, but why not? Its a more peaceful type of playing, somewhat meditating. No, breathing the animal skins of drums cannot affect your health. W.A. What to do when a woodpecker is 'drumming away' on your house I can testify through 52 years of personal experience playing the drums (40 pro now, on TV, radio, CDs, demo tapes, many students,) that all of the benefits of drumming that you talk about in the above article are absolutely TRUE !! There was also a period of time I think when Lars wasn't practicing. I have been playing the drums for about 5 months now and I will tell you emphatically that I am thinking better and FEELING a sense of love in my heart, a rhythmic flow to my life and overall improvement being able to think a little quicker I was displaying symptoms of an 80 year old but now I am feeling younger and younger. Doing this for 15 years has also helped me get over shyness. My idea is to bring out a rhythmic motion where it reflects participants current state and then transforms into a higher positive state through a systematic approach. It's important when doing this to focus on the click and not the instruments. Why every musician should learn to play drums - Roland multiple drummers can create thick, interlocking rhythmic textures. TINGLING UP MY SPINE TO THE TOP OF MY HEAD!!!!!!! I love your valuable articles. I drum weekly with people with dementia and Alzheimers and other disabilities. Ashe ! Share. At times it feels like time slows down and Im much more in touch not just with the music but life itself. I am about your age and I have allowed my mind to tell me Im too old to try pole dancing. What Can Drumming Do For Your Health? - Drumeo Beat Please can I ask a question on another subject: I have always been in synch with your teachings on age and do not allow my age to dictate to me at all. Today I put in my earbuds and listened to his incredible drumming, got up and danced, and almost immediately felt better. I have been playing the djembe since around 2010. RhythmU, who yoU are Beat by Beat. Hi Steve Jordan: Rolling Stones' Touring Drummer Has Rich Musical History Ive eliminated this type of teaching style from my program. I attended a drumming workshop with Sufi master Adnan Sarhan a few years ago, but did not pursue drumming or dancing at the time. ~Lonnie L. Jones Understanding The Significant Role Of The Native American Drum The Spiritual Side of Drumming - Phil Maturano Maybe next time Ill share a bite of perspective of the drum through my Ojibwe culture. It's important because it's the only exercise that will make you a smarter person as you get better at it. Im going to try and find a group here in the Eau Claire WI area. It motivated me to get out and go drumming again. My latest videos feature a mindfulness on natarajas dance of creation to the rhythm of our human heart beat. It's a part of the turkey hunting experience that can drive normally sane . I hope you can continue to enjoy and revel in the amount of physical power that you have . I know of some women your age that can life 165 pounds!!! HI Irene, I am so inspired by this post. Whether you're behind a drum set, hitting a djembe in a drum circle, or beating a marching band bass drum, drum therapy is a real thing. After reading our article, I feel confident. It's a huge advantage to have, whether you're starting a solo project or putting demos together to take to a band. I am a professional drummer and health advocate I think we need some Thundergods in Portland Maine playing beside the Atlantic ocean. I cant wait to share this information with the members at my studio. There are several organizations that teach people how to become either a drum circle facilitator or a drum therapist. The main role of the drummer is to provide the backbone of the music, and he or she is required to play with assertiveness and authority. THAT IS WONDERFUL. So uplifting and full of hope. In today's day and age, people tend to be moving less and less due to . I have severe PTSD from the military and I am a female. I have added another dimension in using drum circles and their related culture dances to bring together people not only to drum & dance but to raise money for good causes. I have carried on a lineage passed down to me. Forward and/or rotated head posture is pain from the brainstem and above, or neuropathic pain. Thank you SO much for sharing this here. Cheri, I want to thank you for drumming with people that have dementia and Alzheimers. And when we are having trying times, that is precisely when we need to drum , or dance, or cook, or just hang out, with like minded souls. I am 68 years of age and still enjoy playing a kit of drums even though my wife hates drums. Thank you for sharing! Lars' drumming is very good. She told me that god was telling her to reach out to him. I have experienced profound transformation in myself and many musicians / drummers throughout my career in the music industry and mental health field ! I am writing a dissertation on the experience of live music and its therapeutic effects. I cure my daily diabetic discomfort with my drums. We met once a month in a book store. This is why you might see a flicker pounding on a metal power pole or your house siding - to make the loudest sound he can, not to look for food or drill a hole, but to make a statement. The healing experience for the horse is an incredibly powerful and direct one. I wouldnt be surprised if others will soon be joining in at the coffee house. I am a data architect, which is very logical, but I am also very creative and have hobbies making music and art. I am going to share, share, share this article with all the wonderful women I drum with, and more importantly the women who have been wanting to but havent yet. Theres a physicality in it that reminds me at the cellular level that were all here, just living and matching the pulse of the universe. There are Hospitals who have therapeutic programs which involve drumming and the use of percussion instruments as part of their therapy. Your email address will not be published. Thank you for wording so well. I am also a member of the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild ( Thank you. What you are describing is using drumming to raise the vibration of a group. My body has been abused a bit through racing motocross, off-roading accidents, freeway motorcycle accidents, commercial deep-sea diving, ten years in the Army, drug rehab and eighteen years of physically fighting with the criminally insane while working at a state institution. Drum Sounds and Their Meanings | Smithsonian Folkways Recordings Reduce Stress. Allison Gemmel Laframboise is a cofounder of the KDZ Drummers and Handsdown Productions. Why Urban Joes and CEOs Bang the Drum : NPR - Its interesting, isnt it how often ones family doesnt share ones passion even when its so clearly beneficial and fun. as a kit player of nearly 40yrs uts really has helped me social circles have many drum friends and after a gig on z high still love the way we have ti be the rock of the vand so many jokes but the drummer is z real big cog without us they are lost studied brushes and other techniques,and now at 66 still love playing. -focus Explore the different ways to support Kripalu. I was beginning to lose hope. All the best to you, Rock Star! I really enjoy every moment in my life and every month in one circle of drums is a blessing for me, Loved your comprehensive blog about the benefits of Rhythmacize. Some events are mixed in with short cultural performances. I agree with all your points! The Thundergods of Portland inspires me. I have a djembe but like lower tones. I started playing drums at an early age and played semi-pro for 10 years and sold my kit of drums aged 25 then I met my wife in 1977. I work with folks from 2 to 102 in many settings- schools, mental health, ECE, cancer recovery, memory care, senior living etc. NOT SURE. The experience was wonderful. Thank you! Peace, love, joy and drum. It burns calories. You have a wonderful sense of humor!! Most of my teachers were Native Grandmothers, other Elder women, and talented men too. I hope I could reference your article while Im presenting if its fine with you. This integration produces feelings of insight and certainty. I got my niece and drum when she was eight years old and taught her a few things Including the handover hand pattern which require should keep alternating between your right and left hand She used some . 6 Evidence-Based Ways Drumming Heals Body, Mind and Soul Divination. CNN . The drum is a member of the percussion group of musical instruments.In the Hornbostel-Sachs classification system, it is a membranophone. This accelerates my brain and provides additional stimulation to the mind and soul. This leads to a deeper sense of self-awareness. Good luck and bless you for playing djembe. I get exercise, work my left and right brain, connect with others on a deeper level than just talking, and It always lifts my self esteem. Id like to share my mission statement. Since I am doing some personal research on drumming and health, I wonder whether you might supply some citations for the research mentioned above. The lyrics reflect on the gritty parts of self awareness, and that kind of view on the world grounds the songs in a way that feels like catching up with an old friend whose quirks you don't mind . All types of drums and percussion can create such a special blend, its like nothing else. Shamans used drumming as a means of reaching an altered or trance-like state so that they can connect with the spirit dimension. Melanie. Temple Grandin? What Are the Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance? This groove-inducing tactic breaks away from the strait feel when every note falls on the expected beat. And a vehicle for you to understand the true nature of things and see through the clutter of simple material existence. to enjoy..I loved it..I never forgot about it.. Hi,I have a brian injury and have epilepsy ,blind and no co ordination in my left arm,after a road accident 30 years ago,could playing drums be any help to me? Have you done any further music therapy with special needs children? Be a global citizen. I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of benefits to drumming, especially that while drumming you have access to your entire brain. Plus, hand drumming is easy and loads of fun! The sound waves are awesome and produce healing, clarity, and stress relief often after just one session. All the best! Help. 10 Health Benefits of Drumming - Christiane Northrup, M.D. Hope to see you! Calling it a BS DOESNT HELP!) Learning Drums: The Top 10 Benefits of Drumming [With Infographic] You could play a wind instrument and sing in sequence. left. This is called coherence. Marla Drum playing is my favorite time pass and I love doing that. Ive also started doing some hand drums at our community center. Playing in real time I almost immediately found things much more enjoyable and the results were also much more natural sounding to my ear. I do have a music and dance background, so drumming was not difficult for me to learn and its every bit as joyous as music and dance. What Makes John Bonham Such a Good Drummer? - YouTube I remember a PBS special many years ago where they hooked up a drummer in a marching band to a polar heart rate monitor and tracked his heart rate when he heard the drumline start warming up across the field. So moving reading your story ,many blessings ..Im so happy to have drumming in my life. Anthropologist Michael Harner, founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, did pioneering work in the 1960's and 70's in studying the effects of drumming. There are many new people entering the drumming community as it evolves into many new areas in society. Neck and shoulder pain. I dont want to believe it could be true but would really appreciate your comments. M utua, just 29 years old, has been fighting gender barriers and cultural stereotypes in the field of percussion her entire career. It possesses you. I took some pole dancing classes a while ago. We have gone way beyond the campfire drum circle! It was confusing to some. And thank you SO much for this incredible gift to your students and to the planet. Their blood pressure, blood lactate and . Holy Healing!! I am always happy after just one song! The original idea was to organize Saddle Brooks first drum circle and bring together school age kids, getting them off the street and teaching them to communicate through the rhythm of the drum. Blessings, Julie. The pain part regarding chronic pain, not acute injury- we only feel pain that is second third or fourth tier; our system is designed to block the primary pain by avoidance, distortion, etc.. so the pain that is causing the distorted posture is not felt by you directly and if the posture involves a forward and or rotated head we have a short list. Anyway, that whole time I drummed where and when I could, but I have two shoulders that spontaneously pop out of the sockets if I move them wrong and the pain I feel is about an 11/10 when that happens. Maybe you can consider starting up a drumming circle in your area-benefiting yourself & others. How Hard Is It, Really, to Sing While Playing Bass or Drums? Culture. I am proud to say that Rhythm Kids is now being offered worldwide through Music Together, an internationally acclaimed early-childhood music development company. It is one of the only social media feeds I can watch now that makes me feel better instead of more anxious. I love how you have wired your brain and body to be ambidextrous as it were. Back when I began this journey, little was known about the drum, although this is not quite right because the traditional earth cultures have been using this instrument for many thousands of years for healing and shamanic work (as we know). What an AMAZING story and post. Holistic Healing: Body, Mind, and Spirit - Learn Religions RhythmSoul Drumming, Wow! I went down the route of drum machines and programming drum hits but was left frustrated at the tediousness of the process and mediocre results. While we are ceremonialists, the benefits you cite from social drumming are present in this type of circle as well. Is Music Haram in Islam? - Halal Guidance I am desperate to play again after a year off because of the following symptoms. I think its great for anyone actually. This is a great article. And teaching a toddler even the simple basic rhythm patterns is going to tremendously improve their motor skills and teach them to control their body much faster than their peers. Perhaps research/explore other drums that will work better for you right now. I would like to hear more of your success. This is the truth! Posture is a neurological event, its not consciously driven. Okay, so Yoyoka Soma took off in popularity a couple of years ago. So much so that our annual holiday traditions are now drum circles. Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. Looking forward to revisiting at sine point. As a trained HealthRhythms facilitator, I have had the opportunity to put theory to practice and experience the results. Women's Health Expert, Visionary Health Pioneer, Wellness Speaker, and New York Times Best-Selling Author Read More, Yes, I understand that by completing this form I am agreeing to receive email messages from Dr. Northrup & can unsubscribe at any time. Thats all Ill say about that. An Empaths Best Protection Against Energy Vampires. I am also looking at getting a cajon, which might not suit someone with back problems but there is a model that you can sit across your lap. So, so true. I designed a percussion based music program. I want to do that! I mean, who doesnt want to feel like a rock star? The musician, who is 70, appeared on BBC Breakfast with his Genesis band members to promote the group's . "Some days I feel so over it, almost to the point of apathy," Williams told The Guardian, "but that's the struggle that you have to fight." It really gets the brain working as your hands and feet are doing different things. Since the drums don't produce any melodic notes, a drummer will take a more rhythmic approach to songs, providing beats and rhythms to benefit those songs. The drum is THE universal instrument, for reasons that are both known and unknown. Tip 2: Play to a Backing Track with a Click. ADDRESS: 101 W. Main Street, Sunset Beach NC. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is what most cultures would consider a "manly" duty. Now, thats the type of health care we need not more pills or sterile tech. Good Luck with the drum circle and keep spreading the word. Drumming can have positive effects on your health and may help with many conditions from stress, fatigue, and anxiety, to hypertension, asthma, chronic pain, arthritis, mental illness, addiction, and even cancer. Thank you for this great comment. Another time I had my microphone hooked up for the 8th graders. Get friends or family members to join you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Drumming and its effects on our whole being. I love it. How do I learn to teach drum therapy sessions, Bad side of breathing drum skins in a closed ac room, The Therapeutic and Social Benefits of Drumming. Feeling joyful is one of the best feelings one could have. I see this especially with the ex-cons as they come broken and self-loathing often. According to a recent study, the cabling that . Have you ever tried drumming? And you right. 413.448.3500 1. When you're sitting at the throne, leaning back into a backrest will cause all kinds of technique problems. Strutting, Spitting and Drumming Defined | Mossy Oak I have been participating in these Native American Drumming Circles since 2007. Knowing such amazing health benefits of playing drum make me more enthusiastic and happy. In this article, I will discuss the importance of a drummer's impact on an ensemble and how having a musical approach can affect performance or recording. I use African drums (Djembes) and a Native American drum with a mallet. Hi Dr. Northrup, thank you so much for all of your wisdom! Thanks! , Christine, If youd like to become a trained drum circle facilitator, you can obtain training through HealthRhythms ( Anyway, I love this post. Close off openings on the sides to prevent birds from becoming trapped between . Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish. Come join us! Ive facilitated drum circles and taught djembe classes. Playing Drum can give a feeling of joyful by lowering your stress down and making your mood light. Actually, if you search his name and the benefits of hand drumming that should also provide you with references for the health benefits of drumming. Thank you for your contributions, I am a fan. However, other people who are more academic-minded will learn . By all means play Caravan, it is a great tune and the creative possibilities ar. level 1. We are based in Oakland, CA. Google: primordial+rhythm+meditation for my website. What Is Syncopation in Music and Why It Matters All rights reserved. why is drumming equipment so expensive : r/Drumming - reddit Drummers are important in a band because they act as the timekeeper, lead many of the song transitions, and help build intensity with the volume. There, you will find drum circles such as is described to participate in that are run by trained facilitators to attain best results. It was decided we would now do our first drum circle as a huge benefit and raise money to send to school age kids and their families in need. You can reap many of the same benefits from yoga, which is why the two are such excellent complements. I agree to the Privacy Policy and Your gift helps create a more awakened, compassionate, and connected world. If it is okay I would love to quote you on my website as some further reading for my students and parents. Hi, I understand why virtually all the drumming/spiritual/therapy venues are oriented in a social format but as an asocial introvert for 90 years, Ive been practicing an innovated water drum meditation for the past seven years that might interest anyone exploring solo spiritual drum meditation. Keep it up. Thank you! Thank you for the excellent article. For those who are ready to reclaim this birthright (or exercise it more! Kudos. I have since explored many other styles of Drumming and in 1994 found myself entrenched in the Drumming of the Native American Healers in my region of Canada. Dr. Zakir Naik, a renowned Islamic scholar and President of the Islamic Research Foundation, also shared his views on the subject in an interview (source). Required fields are marked *. I have chronic pain from a pinched nerve (sciatic) in my back. Here is a quick vid of what some of the kids thought, wow i just love this ..i created a format called DRUMBA and it came about to help my mother who has parkenisons and it has made a world of difference.Allthe drum formats are really taking off Drumns Alive ..Drum Fit .Pound.
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