"Flashpoint Vietnam," the real story about the road to the war. You will not be surprised to hear that I have bowdlerised the above considerably, removing racial designators and course expressions of various sorts. However, when my credibility is challenged, I will respond. And I was I was like a limp noodle what I had experienced and what I had seen, I just I wasnt able to resist, they said were gonna take you out here today. I mean, the reality is, there were 24,000 American troops on the ground in South Vietnam. YOU'VE REACHED YOUR MONTHLY ARTICLE LIMIT. Dr. Rockefeller certainly did not defend Communism as a "Jewish" system, since it is the Hebrew Bible that was the basis of our Common Law, and hence much of our Constitutional Order. And the question I have is 50 years later, how do you look back on that particular chapter? Also Read: 'Jane Fonda in Five Acts' Film Review: Doc Explores the Many Lives of the Actress-Activist, She posed on an antiaircraft gun used to shoot down our American pilots. True, by Fondas admission. We now see a pattern of sedition/treason. In 2015, about 50 veterans stood outside theWeinberg Center for the Arts in Frederick, Md., to protest Fondas appearance there. I suppose that since I am never really planned to be an Intern next semester (not in a full time sense, save as a researcher), and since my term is essentially over, I can join the conversation as Joe Public. Its something very like the worst sort of lovers betrayal, the deep wound that time itself often is powerless to heal. Jane, now 84, is The war was being fought by the air during during the Nixon administration. I stand by the article as it was written. By denying their mistreatment or not investigating their treatment,in an effort to sway public opinion to her own perceived vision of the national interest, she did harm to her countrymen in captivity. It is possible that the Vietnamese had it all planned. Quite the contrary. "CHINA: Following WWII, Mao Tse-Tung, financed by the international banks, led his Chinese communists in an armed conflict against nationalist China under Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, America's ally against Japan. I plead with him, You have to be sure those photographs are not published. Jane Fonda I mean, you know, of all manner of slings and arrows were thrown my way. Johnson solemnly announced that "Communist aggression must be stopped as a threat to American security!" Daughter of legendary Henry Fonda, actress, and activist was one of the most outspoken people against the Vietnam War at the age of 34. More than 58,000 Americans died in the war.. Thank you, sir. Please, you cant let them be published. A photograph caught her looking through the scope of an anti-aircraft gun, surrounded by revolutionaries. Jane Fonda Even so, the main focus of my essay was whether Jane Fonda participated in war crimes, not whether she was morally culpable for her part as an apologist for the mistreatment of POW's (she was). As I tell my students when we discuss the proper use of testimony, we probably ought not to listen to Jane Fonda on things dealing with foreign affairs but if our goal is to rid our aging bodies from the ravages of cellulite then Fonda can be considered an authority! Screw you. Youre gonna come through it, okay. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. He collects a group of American POWs from their septic dungeons, cleans them up, and has them mustered on parade to show his guest how well his embattled nation treats its prisoners. Fonda told the audience that their protests saddened her. officer gets an idea. ET! HANNITY: That's quite often in my case, by the way. JANE FONDA: It was a terrible mistake. I mean, the reality is, there were 24,000 American troops on the ground in South Vietnam. Jane Fonda came clean in an interview with Chris Wallace about her Hanoi Jane days and her failure as a mother. HANNITY: All right. As in Korea, communist spies within the U.S. government released vital information to the enemy. The financial elite then move into the vacuum, establish central banks, and issue debt-credit to the devastated populations. The other stories allege a far more direct participation in war crimes on the part of Fonda. Heres her explanation, from 2011: I had decided to do the broadcasts because I was so horrified by the bombing of civilian targets and I wanted to speak to U.S. pilots as I had done on so many occasions during my visits to U.S. military bases and at G.I. Fact check: Barbara Walters did not write post on Jane Fonda, So I feel that well If I did was good, except that I shouldnt have set gone out to a military place. Read more >>, The magazine was forced to suspend print publication in 2013, but a group of volunteers saved the archives and relaunched it in digital form in 2017. The 85-year-old Fonda has had a lengthy career as a Hollywood icon that includes her current turn in the film 80 For Brady, an equally long stint as an outspoken liberal, a fitness craze that began in the infancy of home video, and much more. Her book just may not make the bestseller Email us. We have no right to attack that country. In Hanoi, Fonda also met with seven American POWs and later said they asked her to tell their friends and family to support presidential candidate George McGovern; they feared theyd never be freed during a Richard Nixon administration. She said in a 1973 interview elaborating on the hypocrites and liars statement that it would be understandable for the North Vietnamese to torture POWs who tried to escape. She was young and famous at the time, maybe the Iraqi insurgents could get some of the present crop of empty headed celebrities, Britney Spears perhaps, to pose next to those Muslim mopes in robes and head towels while they aim their weapons. I mean again, I'm not trying to be pedantic about it, but an apology is, "I'm sorry for what I said. His replacement, General Ridgway, said after the war: "The reason we didn't win is because I was under orders not to win". We're going to take them out. "VIET NAM: A repeat scenario was played 10 years later under another banker-picked Democratic administration. Jane Fonda Comes Clean, Admits She Was Bad Mother: I was not NORTH: The real story about Vietnam. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How are you, G.I. Nevertheless, there are Vietnam veterans out there who served in the war zone before 1969 who are convinced that Jane Fonda was in cahoots with the Commies during their own tours. However, the allegation that she abused American POWs is not true. It was the last day of my two week time there. On campus, she was pushing her movement to turn U.S. soldiers into pacifists. Did Jane Fonda Betray US POWs by Handing Over Jane Fonda But she maintains she was not a traitor by speaking out against the war or trying to turn soldiers against it, because she still believesthe U.S. government was lying to them. quote: The Nixon Justice Department poured over the transcripts of my broadcasts trying to find a way to put me on trial for treason but they could find none. I should have been clearer that my anger back then was at the Nixon Administration. Forget? "Happening Now" anchor Jenna Lee announced that she was leaving the Fox Newsafter working there for 10 years. There was a real Colonel Carrigan, and he was a POW in Vietnam. OLIVER NORTH, HOST, "WAR STORIES": Actually, she's not really apologizing. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, Thats all the ground troops were Many of our veterans still call her Hanoi Jane thanks to her radio broadcasts: True, but she doesnt just have the nickname because of the radio broadcasts. So did Joan Baez and William Sloane Coffin, Noam Chomsky and Pete Seeger, Rennie Davis and Judy Collins. CNN anchorChris Wallace grilled Hollywood legend and activist Jane Fonda over her controversial visit to North Vietnam that caused millions to dub her Hanoi Jane, and got a full spectrum response on the subject. Kelly was defending herself after Fonda said over the weekend that the question was so inappropriate and that Kelly is not that good an interviewer.. In 1972, the Academy Award-winning actress and activist traveled to North Vietnam and was photographed laughing and clapping along with Vietnamese soldiers. This thread gives me a great chance to ask veterans a question that has always bothered me. "There's no disputing that Jane Fonda toured North Vietnam, propagandized on behalf of the communists, and participated in an orchestrated "press conference" with American POWs in 1972. Unforgiven | AMERICAN HERITAGE Jane Fonda was more than just an actress born to a wealthy and prominent Hollywood family. 1991) Pages 225-229. How Jane Fondas 1972 trip to North Vietnam earned her the Richard Morgan, I want you to go home and say, "I'm sorry I got caught doing the wrong thing.". Now, I can't judge her heart but it's a different manifestation of Christianity than John Paul II (search). Stunning Black And White Photos of Van Nuys Boulevard In 1972 By Rick McCloskey, Pam Grier: 20 Photos of Beautiful Actress in the 1970s, 30 Photos That Show Fashion Styles Of Young Women In The 1970s, 30 Photos Of Barbi Benton In The 1970s And 80s, Babylonian Map of the World: The Oldest Map of the World, Most Impressive Armours With Attractive And Interesting Designs, Most Impressive Ancient Masks Created By Different Civilizations, Neverwas Haul: Victorian House On Wheels Inspired By Science Fiction Novels, Beachside Bathing Machines of Victorian England, The Evolution Of Women On The Cover Of Esquire Magazine. True. Read on. [5] One man who was supposed to have encountered Jane Fonda, one Colonel Larry Carrigan, has denied any claim that he ever met her. If they did, can I really blame them? I spent many years its when I made coming home talking to American soldiers, who had been in Vietnam and the things they told me were heartbreaking. Thus, Europe, Russia, China, Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan, the Middle East were turned into killing grounds, and their existing governments destroyed. We have no right to bomb military targets in Vietnam. All rights reserved. February 25, 2023 / Jack Marshall. Peter Braunsteins article speculated that Jane Fonda had this ability to a degree unique in modern times. Do any right-wingers ever decry the fact that Bush and the conservatives overthrew Aristide because he was a socialists----then invited the Chinese Communists in to our hemisphere? quote: Fonda was a political activist in the counterculture era during the Again and again against incredible odds, and at great cost in American casualties, U.S. forces stopped the enemy; but were prevented by President Truman from administering the coup de grace. The Washington Post spent that day with Fonda, following her and a dozen or so students to Fort Meade in Maryland, where they planned to hand out antiwar leaflets to soldiers. "KOREA: Shortly thereafter Truman, with Congress averting its eyes, committed U.S. troops to Korea. Four die; one, Col. Larry Carrigan, survivesjust barely, but it is he who tells about the incident. officers, toward the Chinese border amid cries of protest from Wall Street which feared war with "our trading partner" Red China. Putnams Sons. Just before that experience, she said the words that continued to play through her head were: All men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. T. Jefferson. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Jane didnt make her infamous and idiotic trip to Hanoi until 1972. Ramsey Clark went to Hanoi during the war. I mean, the reality of it is that's not an apology. She now hosts "New Day" on CNN. Of course, she was a Vietnamese. On this weeks edition of HBO Max and CNNs Whos Talking to Chris Wallace, the host covered much of that territory, including that 1972 visit. Thus, the U.S.A. deliberately betrayed its former ally Chiang Kai-Shek and gave mainland China to communism. No article of ours gets hundreds of letters, but this one did, very few of them friendly. The one story that was true never touched the question of whether or not she directly participated in war crimes. Perhaps most dramatically, in March 1973, the Maryland state legislature held a hearing to have Fonda and her films barred from the state. However, since the majority of the stories cited in the e-mail have no proof behind them, I had to either give the e-mail "thumbs down" or "thumbs up" on the basis of the overall validity. How did we get into this war? Fonda told Wallace that she did not like the nickname she was given, but she stuck by her choice to oppose the war. He was denied his request to gather intelligence by aerial reconnaissance over China. They realized that the war was wrong, that we werent wanted there. She has said that she regrets doing this. North Vietnam, 1972,: Jane Fonda is in the midst of her visit when an N.V.A. Dave The cover called her Ms. It may be an old story, but being that she never stood trial for her actions still make her case an open book. [1] Cited on November 24, 2004. She went to Hanoi that year to tour villages, cities and infrastructure. A series of photos of her sitting at an NVA anti-aircraft battery earned her the nickname Hanoi Jane and the undying spite of Vietnam veterans everywhere. There were also rumors she turned over secret messages from POWs to their captors. There was a real Colonel Carrigan, and he was a POW in Vietnam. And heres Cat Ballou, the beautiful daughter of Young Abe Lincoln, of Mister Roberts, beaming down from a machine designed to kill them. [1] According to a recent email that circulated to various Vietnam veterans, Fonda reportedly beat one POW, and betrayed the confidence of another, resulting in his death. Was Jane Fonda's sitting on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun that was used to shoot at and kill Americans, and launching an anti-American PR campaign with the North Vietnamese giving aid and comfort? She was a symbol of a divided nation. Sadly, the Founders also mixed a great deal of Greco-Roman Humanism with this heritage, allowing room for much of what you decry. I went to a session at the 2003 Peace History Society Conference in Mt. Megyn Kelly lit into Jane Fonda on Monday, highlighting the behavior that earned the actress the nickname Hanoi Jane while defending the time last fall when she questioned Fonda about plastic surgery. After we published Peter Braunsteins article on Jane Fonda in our July/August issue, perhaps 60 people sent me this story. She continued openly to question the accounts of the U.S. government and American POWs, who told devastating stories of the torture they endured at the hands of the North Vietnamese. Here it is. I think you'll find that those are things on a more personal level than stupdities and worse committed by LBJ, Congress, and Nixon. Manywere there to protest the Vietnam War. The U.S. government secretly abets communism around the globe, then sends in the American military to "contain the communist menace". And, as she does, each POW palms her a scrap of paper with his Social Security number written on it. Outside of herself, she was manipulated by the experts in the Communist government who are masters in the art of propaganda. Otherwise, she wouldn't touch a weapon if she was genuinely anti-war. The reason Jane Fonda went to Vietnam was not wrong as Mr. Sollinger put it but the way she behaved while in Vietnam was unappropriate. Laurie Dhue was a familiar presence on Fox in the early 2000s but left the network in 2008. Hows this for a story? War materiel, shipped via the Christopher Andersen, Citizen Jane (New York: Henry Holt and Company. . WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Jane Fonda: Prime Time - Walk Out (DVD, 2010) at the best online prices at eBay! And you were photographed sitting on an anti aircraft gun. Jane Fonda was on 3 times this week talking about her new book. Chiang refused to be extorted, citing his revulsion of the international banking cartel. Now, I leave it NORTH: Well, yes, as a matter of fact I think she is. Why are people more angry at Jane Fonda that they are against, say, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, the people really responsible? No article of ours gets hundreds of letters, but this one did, very few of them friendly. I mean, he realized that . In July of 1972, she made two trips to Hanoi which earned her the nickname Hanoi Jane. Shewas arrested before she got the chance, just as she had been at Fort Lewis, Wash., Fort Hood, Tex., and Fort Bragg, N.C. Fonda told The Post shed made talking to GIs herfull-time job. JANE FONDA: It was a terrible mistake. She went to tour the countrys No, after the Left's "victory" in the United State's withdrawal from Southeast Asia, the matter of consequences was conveniently dropped from the discussion. Credit: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images "It was a very tumultuous and polarized time," she said in the HBO documentary. She said that she regretted it. Jane Fonda Which is precisely why U.S. liberals so vehemently protested U.S. involvement - and that is the only reason - we were destroying their comrades the communists. Yeah, said my stepdaughter, Jill, when I told her about this. Id been getting pretty sour about the incensed patriots who would curse me and my family and confidently speak on behalf of all veterans living and dead, and the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress, to declare I was a disgrace to America for running that storythen conclude by smugly assuring me they would never read it. She called our POWs hypocrites and liars and referred to their torture as understandable. You're a great American. CHRIS WALLACE: Your most famous protest was 50 years ago when you went to North Vietnam at the height of the war there. And the more they tried, the more. Andrea Tantaros, former co-host of "The Five," filed a lawsuit saying that Fox News operated like a "sex-fueled, Playboy-Mansion-like cult.". Please try again later. In July 1972, during the waning days of U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, actress Jane Fonda incurred the enmity of untold thousands of Vietnam veterans and their families (as well as service members for generations to come) when she arrived in Hanoi, North Vietnam, and began a two-week tour of the country. Thats what made me laugh. They held signs that read Forgive? JANE FONDA: Well, I didnt like it. After Fonda returned from hertrip, the State Department spoke out against her. Jane Fonda in North Vietnam - Wellesley College Have a tip or story idea? There is no doubt these treasonous no-win US wars were meant to disillusion the American nation into accepting loss of sovereignty and one world government." Fonda hasapologized for the liars and hypocrites statement, which she said she made out of anger that the Nixon Administration was lying about the extent of the POW torture for propaganda purposes. Meanwhile the mass media suddenly reversed its pro-war policy: denying our beleaguered troops moral support from home. The real story of Jane Fonda and the Vietnam vets who hate her America. The Ms. , we thought, would signal a bit of ironic distance from the broad, ingenu- ous affection contained in Miss America. She visited Russia in the early Sixties, and was personally impressed by the deference she received. Joining us now is the host of "War Stories," who fought in Vietnam, Colonel Oliver North is with us. [3] She praised the USSR for their support of the Viet Cong. ( New York: G.P. Its something very like the worst sort of lovers betrayal, the deep wound that time itself often is powerless to heal. Watch "Hannity & Colmes" weeknights at 9 p.m. Article 3, section three of the Constitution defines treason as "levying war against the United States or adhering to their enemies or giving them aid and comfort.". There's nothing like a historian 'cherry-picking' his citations or only presenting a partial 'truth' from his source. This is and now she's apologizing on a book tour. And you were photographed sitting on an anti aircraft gun. At the time, Hanoi Jane was serenaded with a Communist folk song and was led to a weapon that had shot down many American aircraft, and photos were immediately taken. Fonda wasnt deterred. I sang a song. Its folklore, but folklore of a curiously evolved sort. I feel sorry for NORTH: She didn't apologize, Alan. He collects a group of American POWs from their septic dungeons, cleans them up, and has them mustered on parade to show his guest how well his embattled nation treats its prisoners. Over the years, as Fonda reinvented herself as a fitness maven and again a movie star, she apologized many times for the antiaircraft gunphoto. CHRIS WALLACE: Your most famous protest was 50 years ago when you went to North Vietnam at the height of the war there. Imagine its the Battle of the Bulge and Betty Grable is up on top of a German tank saying the Yanks are fighting an evil war. Its not a preposterous analogynot as far as the soldiers involved are concerned. That is not my place. (Later, after 58,152 American dead were just names on a wall, declassified US Navy logs revealed there had been no torpedo attack!). or redistributed. container: 'taboola-right-rail-thumbnails', She apologized for being on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun site. Fonda shakes the last hand, then turns to the officer and gives him the fistful of messages. I agree with TheWrap's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and provide my consent to receive marketing communications from them. In July of 1972, she made two trips to [2] While criticizing America, she made laudatory comments about the Soviet Union. I said that the POWs claiming torture were liars, hypocrites, and pawns. In 2005, she apologized again on 60 Us veterans will never forget or forgive her posing on a North Viet anti-aircraft gun, regardless whatever else she may or may not have done. Her visit actually took place in 1972. But he never met Jane Fonda, and he has no idea how the maddening tale attached itself to him. I appealed to them to please consider what you are doing. Del. I dont know what else to do. Jane Fonda is a star of stage and screen whose career began in 1960. It was my mistake and I have paid and continue to pay a heavy price for it.. Some lawmakers calledher actions treason. I think that this is rather odd. Jane Fonda visiting BR this weekend | O-T Lounge But he never met Jane Fonda, and he has no idea how the maddening tale attached itself to him. He hadnt liked the story but at least was willing to discuss it. And it was a terrible mistake because of the image that it showed, which was not at all what the reality was. She said: I have very few regrets. Jane Fonda Fast Facts ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. . She now works at Reuters. Her suit was later settled for a reported $20 million. As Pioneer Rap Trio Suffers Tragic Loss, Long-Awaited Back Catalog is Finally Released, Bret Baiers Interview With FBI Director Shows What A Joke It Is to Pose Him As Foxs Real Journalism Successor to Chris Wallace, Jimmy Kimmel Calls Tucker Carlson Putins Favorite Little Nesting Doll After He Accused Kimmel of Using Foreign Gov. And I refused to have them scare me away from being actively against the Vietnam War. She said It is possible it was a setup, I will never know. A Vietnam War photographer captured the bloody Tet offensive. tips@mediaite.com. Fondas transformation from actress to activist began several years earlier. On a hot, stickyMay afternoon in 1970,a crowd of several thousand students and protesterstook over the University of Maryland mall. I mean Alan, this woman was totally caught up in the age of the '60s, the rhetoric of the '60s, and quite frankly I feel sorry for her, because she's not out of it. As the war raged, the one-time blonde bombshell cut her naturally brown hair short, trading sex appeal for liberal activism and rebranding herself as a political crusader against the war. Radio broadcasts, which attempted to shame American troops: Fonda did record messages that the North Vietnamese played for Americans to weaken their resolve. And definitely not fonda Fonda. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. . The media heaped calumny on U.S. military leadership; presented biased, horrifying scenes depicting "the wanton killing of Vietnamese civilians", and the "degeneracy" of our fighting men and women. Libertarian commentator Jedediah Bila appeared on Fox's "Outnumbered" and later turned up on ABC's "The View.". In it, she apologizes once again for insulting the men and women who fought in Vietnam. It is nothing more and nothing less than the full culmination of Greco-Roman Humanism as it has defined itself throughout the thousands of years. }); We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The story surfaced on the Internet in 1999, and my guess is that it will live there a long time. SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: Jane Fonda says she is sorry for some of her actions during the Vietnam War. But now, very quickly, treason is the only crime defined in our Constitution. Here are her comments: Many of our veterans still call her Hanoi Jane thanks to her radio broadcasts, which attempted to shame American troops. The great General Douglas MacArthur drove the North Koreans, led by Red Chinese It meant re-taking the same bloody ground over and over again. You know, I have an organization in Georgia that deals with adolescents, and Ive studied parenting. Rudi Bakhtiar jumped from CNN to Fox News in 2006. Politicians make mistakes that affect the body politic and statesmen sometimes direct a foreign policy that disregards individuals in the national interest. There's no denying that she defamed POWs by whitewashing the Viet Cong's treatment of them and later calling them liars when they spoke out." MacArthur asked Truman to permit Chiang Kai-Shek's troops to fight with Americans against the Red Chinese. The cameras flash. I don't want people putting words into my mouth, saying "you're going to tell us all these bankers and financiers are Jewish", for instance. It never happened. Sending Out Veterans' Benefits, The Executive Branchs Response to the Flood of 1927, The Case For Calling the Language "American", America Fought Its Own Battle Over Books Before it Fought the Nazis. She called our POWs hypocrites and liars and referred to their torture as understandable. Did Jane Fonda Really Apologize for Vietnam? Oliver North Weighs In After countless apologies spanning four decades, Breitbarts John Nolte believes Hanoi Jane Fonda should finally be forgiven for her antics in Vietnam.. Fonda has said categorically that she was an adult at the time and called her And that we probably couldnt win it not because they werent a fabulous soldiers. Its going to look like I was trying to shoot down U.S. planes! But when you know why you did something, and youre willing to admit the mistakes that you made, but stand up for the things that you did that that mattered?
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