There had been concern that eyeburn problems might occur during the earlier Starfish Prime test, since the countdown was rebroadcast by radio stations in Hawaii, and many civilians would be watching the thermonuclear detonation as it occurred,[9] but no such problems in Hawaii were reported. By 1958 the ice shelf on which Little America IV was sited had broken away and drifted into open water. Immediately after WWII the U.S. Navy rushed launched the largest military operation ever down to Antarctica called Operation High Jump. [5] Paul Siple was the senior U.S. War Department representative on the expedition. Johnston Island was a remote location, more distant from populated areas than other potential test locations. Prompt gamma ray output measurements on these later tests were also carefully obtained so that a new theory of the mechanism for high-altitude EMP could be developed and confirmed. . For this mission he was supported by the US Navy, giving him plenty of ships, boats, aircraft, and personnel to accomplish his goal. The first Central Group ships arrived at the Ross Ice Shelf on January 17. "Operation Dominic. An interesting side effect was that the Royal New Zealand Air Force was aided in anti-submarine maneuvers by the light from the bomb. The word raqiya comes from the root word raqa which can be found in several passages including Isaiah 40:19 The idol! Some may claim that the divided waters are the rain and the bodies of water on earth, but this is not true. Operation Deep Freeze (1955-1956) - Discovery Of The Firmament. Lets nuke it. Antarctica: Technological advancements in exploration. The measured species is only iodine-131 if mentioned, otherwise it is all species. It is estimated that the sheet of water would have filtered out harmful sun rays and contributed to the longevity of life on earth before the flood. Sadly, this was not to be. The smaller Sikorsky HNS-1 accommodated a pilot and one passenger and had a range of 130 miles. Interestingly enough many of the actual mission details were shrouded by secrecy, hidden from the American public, which leads us to where we are now. That makes two heavens that are under the waters, with the third being the heaven we traditionally think about. The Eastern, Western and Central group ships departed at different intervals and ports on both coasts. The Urraca event was canceled to avoid further damage to satellites and three new shots were added. Report ADA955694. Each PBM carried survival equipment consisting of 100 days worth of rations, skis, sleds, medicine, warm clothes and sleeping bags. We are trying our best to learn these secrets so that we can write about them and let you know what they are. Among other losses, a PBM had been blown overboard off Currituck in a massive ocean storm prior to reaching the objective and disappeared in the high waves. Task Forces went to Antarctica to destroy the remaining bases of the Fourth And rest assured, the Rulers of Darkness damn well know. The surviving six crew members were rescued 13days later, including aviation radioman James H. Robbins and co-pilot William Kearns. It was officially reported only as being a submegaton explosion (meaning in the range of more than 200 kilotons, but less than a megaton), but most independent observers believe that it used the same 400 kiloton warhead as the Bluegill Triple Prime test,[19] although one report by the U.S. federal government reported the test yield as 200 kilotons. The Thor missile carrying the Starfish Prime warhead actually reached an apogee (maximum height) of about 1100km (just over 680 miles), and the warhead was detonated on its downward trajectory when it had fallen to the programmed altitude of 400 kilometres (250mi). Local civilians have recycled and repurposed war material. FLAT OUT TRUTH Terry R Eicher How come Orion cant get through the Van Allen Belt, yet we were told Apollo had no problem doing so 40+ years ago? One report by the U.S. federal government, however, reported the Checkmate test yield as 10 kilotons. One report by the U.S. federal government reported the Tightrope test yield as 10 kilotons. THE ANTARTIC TREATY ADOPTED SINCE 1949, EXPLORING THE WORLD YOU LIVE ON IS AND HAS BEEN OFF LIMITS TO ALL! of Defense during operation fishbowl, Nothing has or ever will penetrate the glass dome. It is reported in the open literature as simply being less than 20 kilotons. The objective: construct an American training and research facility in the South Pole. Many others in the truth community believe they were testing the boundaries of the firmament. If Bluegill failed, the next attempt would be Bluegill Prime, and if Bluegill Prime failed, the next attempt would be Bluegill Double Prime, etc. Just like you brother, I kid ya NOT! Turns out the firmament is actually firm and its as hard as a cast metal mirror. What The U.S. Government Found, Then Covered Up, In Antarctica Even so, 60 minutes of prep time was required to heat the fuel, oil, engine and remove any ice from the rotor blades prior to a mission. [2][10], After the operation ended, a follow-up Operation Windmill returned to the area in order to provide ground-truthing to the aerial photography of HIGHJUMP from 1947 to 1948. Operation Fishbowl On January 1, 1947, Lieutenant Commander Thompson and Chief Petty Officer John Marion Dickison [4] utilized "Jack Browne" masks and DESCO oxygen rebreathers to log the first dive by Americans under the Antarctic. Operation HIGHJUMP, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-1947, (also called Task Force 68 ), was a United States Navy (USN) operation to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Project 1947: Report of Operation Highjump, 10 June 1947 [538 Pages, 14.68 MB]. You might be a tad bit confused about the waters above the heavens, but the firmament is also called heaven and so is the sky. DENZEL ON CONSTANT INFO FLOW . . . . . #admiralbyrd # #106 Grant Lavac on the UFO/UAP Issue in Australia (7/23/22), Ep. Its ships broke through the ice with the help of the Coast Guard cutter Northwind and the new Navy cutter Burton Island, which joined the operation later. This tender made available the convenient use of PBM and helicopter aircraft. A plaque honoring the three killed crewmen was later erected at the McMurdo Station research base,[13] and Mount Lopez on Thurston Island was named in honor of killed airman Maxwell A. Lopez. I wish I could see that place for myself. At twilight after the burst, resonant scattering of light from lithium and other debris was observed at Johnston and French Frigate Shoals for many days confirming the longtime presence of debris in the atmosphere. Report ADA955411. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The operation involved 13 ships, more than 4,700 personnel and a variety of aircraft, including newly purchased helicopters. #108 Deep Dive into Luis Elizondos DoD Inspector General Complaint (8/26/22), Ep. SNOW-COMPACTION EQUIPMENTVIBRATORY FINISHERS [34 Pages, 1.24 MB] To investigate the feasibility of surface-hardening compacted snow by vibrationand, if feasible, to develop vibratory finishers for this work. Siple was the same Eagle Scout who accompanied Byrd on the previous Byrd Antarctic expeditions. Northwind was critical to the mission since the thick ice could crack open a thin-skinned ship like a can opener. [16] It features Chief of Naval Operations Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz in a scene where he is discussing Operation HIGHJUMP with admirals Byrd and Cruzen. Operation Highjump - The Black Vault Home Document Archive Case File Database Discussion Forums FOIA Documents Government Congressional & Senatorial Correspondence Controversies Conspiracy Discussion Forum Elections Government Accountability & I.G. History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. Operation Highjump - declassified pictures, UFO evidence This category of information is often not officially disclosed. A different version of these events has recently been Johnston Island is in the northern hemisphere, as were all of the planned Operation Fishbowl nuclear detonation locations. Despite thorough studies of the meager data, present models of these bursts are sketchy and tentative. The next two days were spent searching for a site for Little America IV. Designations for test items where known, "?" 1959) - The Dan Bongino Show And Elohim called the dry land earth, and the collection of the waters He called seas. And Elohim saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:6-10). The film re-enacted scenes of critical events, such as shipboard damage control and Admiral Byrd throwing items out of an airplane to lighten it to avoid crashing into a mountain. Report ADA469481, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. This also explains why, if you observe the NASA launches, the rockets always seem to be losing speed, turning it's going to drop back down. I found a old classified Soviet doc that talks about the beginning of humans, the precursor races, Atlantis, the Iron planet and what is the original purpose of Earths pyramids. August 2010, "Defense Atomic Support Agency. On one of Byrds flights magnetic instrument pods detected a massive coal deposit. The second planned test of Operation Fishbowl was on June 19, 1962. The technical capabilities already exist. Other operations would follow, including the U.S. Navys Operation Windmill in 1947-48, and eventually treaties were signed by all involved nations to ensure that Antarctica remained a nonmilitary zone. needless to say I hate myself for that!)) Sandia National Laboratories. I know a man in Messiah who fourteen years ago whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, Elohim knows such a one was caught up to the third heaven. (2 Corinthians 12:2). #101 Congressional Hearing on UFOs - Some Thoughts Before It All Goes Down (5/16/22). Finally, on December 26, the weather cleared and allowed for aerial mapping of the east coast. The warhead charges also exploded asymmetrically and sprayed the area with the moderately radioactive core materials. Since it was impossible to land in the area, messages were dropped directing the survivors to make their way to the open water about 10 miles to the north. The admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. August 1962. Physical Characteristics of the Firmament. #104 Randall Nickerson on the Ariel Phenomenon (6/10/22), Ep. Think about that for a moment and let it sink in. There is no globe. It is in these areas that auroras were actually observed, in addition to those in the areas of the nuclear explosions."[8]. [10]:247, According to the official report, at the time of the Kingfish detonation, "Johnston Island observers saw a yellow-white, luminous circle with intense purple streamers for the first minute. Develop techniques for establishing and maintaining air bases in Antarctic. #103 The UAP Hearing: Highlights & Commentary May 25, 2022 (5/25/22), Ep. Johnston Island had already been established as a launch site for United States high-altitude nuclear tests, rather than the other locations in the Pacific Proving Grounds. ), The final test of Operation Fishbowl was detonated at 2130 (9:30p.m. local Johnston Island time) on November 3, 1962 (the time and date was officially recorded as 0730 UTC, November 4, 1962). And Elohim called the expanse heavens. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the second day. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Debris Expansion Experiment." Watch the videos listed down below to get more information on Byrd, Antarctica, operation fishbowl, rainbows, and more. The gold was hammered into thin sheets then laid over the surface of the alter. [20], As of the beginning of 2011, the EMP waveforms and prompt gamma radiation outputs for Bluegill Triple Prime and Kingfish remain classified. Juan O Savin & PraiseNPrayer: Is there a Worldwide White Hat Operation "[10]:236 A second launch pad was constructed during the operations pause so that Operation Fishbowl could continue in the event of another serious incident. [1] August 1962", "Air Force Special Weapons Center. A total of 27 sounding rockets were launched from Johnston Island to obtain experimental data from the shot, with the first of the support rockets being launched 2 hours and 45 minutes before the launch of the Thor missile carrying the nuclear warhead. Rob Schwarz February 18, 2013. [10]:247. This report deals with the radar and meteorological measurements that were made during the cruise of the Western Task Group of Operation HIGHJUMP. It's very unfortunate that more than half of the population isn't aware of this incredible existence right below our earth. George 1 was lowered over the side of Pine Island and almost immediately one of the launch boats crashed into a wing and damaged a pontoon. [15], On January 21, 1947, Vance N. Woodall died during a "ship unloading accident". Antarctica is the last continent where aviation still depends almost entirely on expeditionary airfields and bush flying, but change seems imminent. The ships stationed in the Pacific left San Diego, Calif., the same day. Say this for "Operation Fortune," and say this first: Hugh Grant is having a ball. They know the dome of the flat earth and that we are within an enclosed eco-system. The naval component of Operation Highjump was known as Task Force 68 and comprised 4700 military personnel, one aircraft carrier (the USS Philippine Sea among the largest of all carriers of the time), and number of naval support ships and aircraft. I ran inside to get a camera(no camcorder at the time and all I could see on the photos i shot was blurred freakin lights! Jim Trautman is the author of Pan American Clippers: The Golden Age of Flying Boats and is currently working on a book about airship history, due next year from Firefly Books. And make no mistake, this was an unusually bold move for the American military at the time as people, nations, and even world economies were still volatile from wars aftermath. America on the Ice. The area covered lay between 180 degrees east longitude and 34 degrees east longitude during the above-mentioned period. As always dont believe a word I say, research it for yourselves, if you have any questions dont hesitate to contact me. The carrier was the last to arrive due to the construction of the base and airfield. The tail, wings and midsection of each aircraft were painted with bright orange stripes for enhanced visibility in case they went down on the ice. This drive sent him to Antarctica numerous times, but the one expedition of interest is "Operation HighJump" (1946-1947). As such, the United States sought to establish a presence in Antarctica and explore the frigid continent using naval and air assets. "ANTARTICA" Conspiracy Theories : r/conspiracy - reddit The Polar Submarine and Navigation of the Arctic Ocean, 21 May 1959 [91 Pages, 4.94 MB] This is a reissue of the original report without any changes (except for the inclusion of an addendum written in May 1950). Operation Fishbowl (1962) Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States. Why was Operation Fishbowl a failed attempt to break open the firmament At the completion of the operation, more than 70,000 photos had been taken and over 1.5 million square miles of territory had been surveyed. Northwind left Norfolk, Va., on December 2, headed to Antarctica via the Panama Canal. The radioactive contamination on Johnston Island was determined to be a major problem, and it was necessary to decontaminate the entire area before the badly damaged launch pad could be rebuilt. Charles W. Thomas, USCG, Commanding, Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature Film, "Scientific Diving Under Ice: A 40-Year Bipolar Research Tool", "Operation Highjump: The Great Antarctic Expedition", "Operation Highjump: A Philatelic Introduction", "Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature", "Declassified Records on Operation Highjump",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the United States Coast Guard, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [21] (The report actually using the Bluegill Triple Prime and Kingfish data to confirm the new EMP theory is the still-classified Part 2 of the unclassified report by Conrad Longmire. 04 Mar 2023 17:30:08 Operation Highjump. Had the Task Group penetrated the pack without eyes it would have arrived too late in the season to establish a base; then conduct an aerophotographic exploration of a hidden continent. #113 DoD Refuses To Release Key Documents On UFO Office; Cites National Security Interest (9/22/22), Ep. A very large number of United States military ships and aircraft were operating in support of Starfish Prime in the Johnston Island area and across the nearby North Pacific region, including the primary instrumentation ship USAS American Mariner providing measurements conducted by personnel provided by RCA Service Company and Barnes Engineering Company. Fish Bowl was part of operation Dominic a.k.a Operation Dome. Operation Highjump included a staggering 13 ships, aircraft escort, aircraft carrier, a submarine, two destroyers and a total of 4,700 men with full battle gear in . This isnt the desolate wasteland of ice and snow that we typically think about when we imagine Antarctica, but according to the admiral if you travel far enough inland that is what youll see. May the Holy Spirit guide you on your journeys. Well, he found something in Antarctica and in an interview gave an account of what he saw. is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. Protecting United States Interests in Antarctica, April 1988 [124 Pages, 4.94 MB] This thesis begins by presenting a geographic overview of the physical features and resources in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. OPERATION FISHBOWL: THE FIRMAMENT - Rumble In addition, a large number of rocket-borne instruments were launched from a firing area at Barking Sands, Kauai, in the Hawaiian Islands.[13]. The base comprised large tents, weather equipment, Quonset huts, three packed-snow runways and one short runway made of steel matting. Press Esc to cancel. 4.. At Oahu a bright flash was observed and after about 10 seconds a great white ball appeared to rise slowly out of the sea and was visible for about 9 minutes. They who rendered rakia by firmamentum regarded it as a solid body. The coordinates of the detonation were 16 degrees, 28 minutes North latitude, 169 degrees, 38 minutes West longitude (30km, or about 18mi, southwest of Johnston Island). Ancient Myths all shared the same concept of the world, until the globular lie of false scientism. It formed a division between the waters above and the waters below ( Genesis 1:7 ). After dropping a United Nations flag over the South Pole, Byrds crew continued their photo mission. Some of the streamers displayed what appeared to be a rapid twisting motion at times. The objectives of this operation were: 1. On August 26, 1946, chief of U.S. naval operations Admiral Chester Nimitz announced that a massive combined military expedition dubbed Operation Highjump would be launched into Antarctica in December during summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Flat Earth: Why doesn't a Plane's altitude meter (gyroscope) pitch up There were three phenomena in particular that required further investigation: The Fishbowl tests were monitored by a large number of surface and aircraft-based stations in the wide area around the planned detonations and also in the region in the southern hemisphere in the Samoan Islands region, which was known in these tests as the southern conjugate region. In order to get airborne, each R4D was outfitted with four JATO (jet-assisted takeoff) bottles. #111 Is UFO Secrecy Deepening? Tail sections were dismantled and stored in the hope that a future expedition could reassemble the transports and use them again. . Operation Fishbowl - YouTube Furthermore, the atmospheric attenuation is normally much less for a given distance than in the case of sea-level or near-sea-level explosions. I hope this post excites you for what is to come and brings understanding to the word of YHWH, as always dont believe a word I say and research this yourself. A second aircraft took off and both made it to Little America IV safely. A blog where you can expect lots of Aliens and UFO's. The Blessed2Teach Show has a great conversation about a number of political topics with Trump loyalist and also patriot Juan O Savin.Juan has been someone that many people in the MAGA community have listened closely to during this bizarre period of time in our nation's history. It was launched on a Nike-Hercules missile, and detonated at a lower altitude than the other Fishbowl tests. dome | Operation Highjump - The Black Vault FREE New Book #9 The Bible for Awakening Truthers. "A Quick Look at the Technical Results of Starfish Prime." [1], The Operation Fishbowl nuclear tests were originally planned to be completed during the first half of 1962 with three tests named Bluegill, Starfish and Urraca.[2]. Task Force 68 consisted of three separate naval groups, each with a specific mission. #105 Exploring the DoDs NEW All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (7/20/22), Ep. Starfish Prime 1.4 megaton high-altitude nuclear test explosion. Our hope is that now we have the entire material to make a detailed map of all of Antarctica, said Byrd. Naval mission into the Antarctic. "[9], Two cases of retinal damage did occur with military personnel on Johnston Island during the Bluegill Triple Prime test. Subscribe to our HistoryNet Now! When the firmament was created all that existed was Elohim (YHWH), the waters, and light and darkness. The helicopters and PBMs also flew photo missions along the coasts. Because let's face it, secrecy only gives rise to more secrecy. According to U.S. Government Report ADA955694 on the first successful test of the Fishbowl series, "Previous high-altitude nuclear tests: Teak, Orange, and Yucca, plus the three ARGUS shots were poorly instrumented and hastily executed. Patriot Juan O Savin & PraiseNPrayer: Is there a Worldwide White Hat Operation to save the World? "A Quick Look at the Technical Results of Starfish Prime." Their signal, painted on the wrecked Mariners wing, indicated that three of the crewmen were dead. The Kingfish detonation occurred at 0210 (Johnston Island time) on November 1, 1962 and was the fourth successful detonation of the Fishbowl series. Planning for Operation Fishbowl, as well as many other nuclear tests in the region, began rapidly in response to the sudden Soviet announcement on August 30, 1961 that they were ending a three-year moratorium on nuclear testing. The PBM flight crews were all inexperienced volunteers, having only had a month to train for the mission. The following are documents related to, or mentioning, Operation Highjump: Report Bibliography: Operation Highjump [8 Pages, 4.57 MB] Report Bibliography of documents from the Defense Technical Information Center. A Deeper Look Into The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster. It also damaged the Soviet satellite CosmosV. All of these satellites failed completely within several months of the Starfish detonation. All rights reserved. During the trials, there were intermittent areas of compacted snow capable of supporting aircraft weighing up to 100,000 pounds with main tires inflated to 90 psi, but low-strength areas prevented takeoffs and landings with aircraft weighing over 25,000 pounds with main tires inflated to 60 psi. Finally a search plane spotted burned wreckage and men on the ground. After the Starfish Prime detonation, bright auroras were observed in the detonation area as well as in the southern conjugate region on the other side of the equator from the detonation. The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking recalled the admiral is one of the most important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration. The report evaluates observations made on polar voyages up to and including 1948, and discusses the equipment and modifications needed to make a Fleet-type submarine suitable for under-ice research.Th. One helicopter was allotted to each of the icebreakers and one to the carrier Philippine Sea. they were discovering more & more of the Firmament We know Von Bruan . And it came to be so. Thank you. War Department. Operation Highjump: 1946-47 Expedition to Explore - HistoryNet no diplomatic negotiations are required. Determining the feasibility of establishing, maintaining, and utilizing bases in the Antarctic and investigating possible base sites; Developing techniques for establishing, maintaining, and utilizing, Amplifying existing stores of knowledge of, This page was last edited on 5 November 2022, at 15:00. Much research went into the potential eyeburn problem. "Preliminary Plan for Operation Fishbowl." Operation HIGHJUMP, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 19461947, (also called Task Force 68), was a United States Navy (USN) operation to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. The lesion diameters were 0.35 and 0.50 mm respectively. That new theory does give results which are consistent with both the Bluegill Triple Prime and Kingfish data. Biblical Earth NASA Lies Arent Even Convincing. Wenaas, E.P., Jaycor Report RE-78-2044-057. Elevation is the ground level at the point directly below the explosion relative to sea level; height is the additional distance added or subtracted by tower, balloon, shaft, tunnel, air drop or other contrivance., Really well researched and presented. ", National Space Science Data Center: Telstar 1, "Allen, R.G., Jr., Project Officer. Released in movie theaters as The Secret Land, it won the 1948 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. The missile was between 30,000 and 35,000 feet (between 9.1 and 10.7km) in altitude when it was destroyed. [1][2] The operation was organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Ethan Erik Larson, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68. By December 24, the USS Currituck had begun launching aircraft on reconnaissance missions. The rakia supported the upper reservoir ( Psalms 148:4 ). Operation High Jump | American expedition | Britannica
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