The kind of moment we'd both been waiting for. Agent: All I know is that we take him in too. Talos: Captain America. Oscars 2023: Download our Oscars Party BINGO cards We discovered that your energy signature matched Mar-Vell's core. Supreme Intelligence: You're under arrest. [Carol smiles at Fury's question, while Talos just looks towards him and shakes his head. Fury: Ok. Maria Rambeau: Talos: Att-Lass and Minn-Erva find elevation. [after reaching Carol's thigh] Yon-Rogg: What did you do to your uniform? Carol: Those weren't coordinates. Now the handful of us that are left, will be slaughtered nextunless you will help me finish what Mar-Vell started. This letter gives me so many feels, especially the ending because. [The security officer points towards Radio Shack], [The scene changes to a shot of Skrulls walking towards the beach from within the waves. Nick Fury: Fury then sighs before reaching into his pocket to grab his pager], [Fury stands up, walk across the room and begins typing on his pager]. Maria Rambeau: Carol and Maria follow behind him]. Whatever signal it was sending finally crapped out. Carol Danvers: ], [Scene changes to Nick Fury holding Goose inside the Quadjet]. Fury: I'm sure it will turn up somewhere. [Carol drops the chip before flashing back to her absorbing the energy from the explosion before flashing back to the present day where the chip explodes off herneck like a bullet and she is released from the Supreme Intelligence, glowing and floating in the air. Maria: Yup. ], [The angle widens to show a circle of planes sitting on the tarmac.]. [Vers puts the cap on, and looks at Fury annoyed], [Vers takes off the flannel shirt hanging around her waist and throws it into the car. I got word on a motorcycle thief that fits her description. [revealing Talos' daughter to him] Carol Danvers: So how do we get to Louisianna? [The Supreme Intelligence stands up and begins dancing to the music]. There is nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion. Does, uh, announcing your identity On clothing help with the covert part of your job? ], [The scene changes back to Vers and Soh-Larr. Turn off the light show and prove prove to me you can beat me without [she knocks him backwards with a proton blast]. Your power comes from us. And you're gonna give it up to sit on the couch and watch Fresh Prince with me? As a result of me punching you in the face." Fury: What? I'm so proud of you. The scene changes back to Vers and Yon-Rogg]. I'll give you $50 right now if you turn into a venus fly trap. The scene changes again, this time to Vers standing outside of the Cafe holding a map. Oh. ), [Scene changes to Vers falling over. "He's doing well. Big hero moment. If you help us decode those coordinates, we can find it. Carol manages to catch one with her hands and, using her newly discovered power, throws it back, causing it to explode. You're smart and funny, and a huge pain in the ass. A venus fly trap. Director: Now you know, I don't really need these to see (holding up his glasses which were knocked off during the fight). Wendy Lawson: You'll get there soon enough General Talos (voiceover): What's that on her shirt? Yes, that's right. Doc? It's still plugged in, it just it just stopped. [to Carol during the chase with the Kree during the flashback scene] If we track its course, we'll find it, in orbit, right now. I've finished collecting evidence. Randomly, Goose appears at the end of the aisle]. What's given can be taken away. Vers (audio): Your laboratory? [Fury hands over his pager, as the agents slam into the door behind them. She doesn't typically take to people. Carol: I used to believe your lies. Yon-Rogg: Stop! Yon-Rogg: Then I see no reason to prolong this conversation. I've had better nightmares. I couldn't read it. It is very dramatic and manipulative sounding, similar to listening to tales from a snake oil salesman. During this fight, she manages to free herself from the restraints by blasting energy from her hands until they break. ], [The locals begin screaming before transforming into Skrulls and drawing their weapon. I was already slipping when you happened to punch me in the face. [after raising Fury's suspicions by calling him "Nicholas"] Fury: Oh. Freeing you to do what all Kree must. Nick Fury: They're firing backward. [urgent knocking] (Vers ejects the cockpit from the plane, and struggles to regain control. [Minn-Erva sees Att-Lass fighting against the locals through the scope of her gun. [The camera pans over all the photos which Monica has shown and is showing to Vers. Talos: Huh? is candy a common or proper noun; Tags . Marvel Studios Scripts Collection: Screenplays Download The Skrull runs up the stairs, towards a train and transforms into an old lady who exits the train in front of him. [suddenly breaks her act and knocks out Phil while taking his ID. Carol Danvers: The Skrulls are looking for someone named Lawson. Nick Fury: [The scene changes to Vers driving the motorcycle across the desert on an almost empty highway. Nick Fury: Fury: We talking cheek swab or urine sample. Nick Fury: I can't sleep when there's work to do. MCU Inspiration: 20 Marvel Quotes That Could Change Your Life - The Direct (Fury looks towards Vers accusingly), [Vers stand up and walks towards the stove, where a pot of unboiled water sits on the stove. In his monologue, Harrelson, 61, likened pharmaceutical companies to drug cartels, and quipped that they hatched a plot wherein they bought up media and politicians then forced the world to stay . Maybe it'll come back to me. Soh-Larr sent a warning signal, which we've intercepted, that his cover's blown. Yon-Rogg: Carol Danvers: Yeah. Fury: Been riding a desk for the past few years, trying to figure out where our future enemies are coming from. [Romanoff turns around and suddenly sees Carol]. As long as you don't call my flying nifty again. Vers nods towards the door], [Fury walks away from Goose and stands next to Vers outside a door labeled "Records"]. "Goose." State-of-the-art two-way pager. Heroes. They're covering up a billion dollar mistake. Assistance with short selling your home Could I see some identification, please? [The Kree retreat, and Carol returns to Earth, where she confronts Yon-Rogg]. He picks it up and sees "Vers" inscribed on it]. Just let me unravel this puppy. Carol: Thanks, Lieutenant Trouble. Every episode of that show began with the following words narrated by William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk "Space. Fury: You're sure that's what Marvel would want? Fury: And? [a police officer approaches Vers to cuff her when Vers suddenly notices a Skrull sniper disguised as a human aiming at her and Fury. My mom. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): [Once Soren noticed that Carol, Maria, and Fury are standing in the room, she tries to back away but Talos stops her]. The child jumps excitedly and asks her to play]. Get back! Her vision is blurring, but shadows of upside-down Skrulls can be seen. So it's sacred. Carol Danvers: Goose jumps onto the reactor and scratches the Tesseract, intrigued by the bright light. Vers stands up slowly and turns in a circle, taking in her surroundings. [While Fury is unwrapping the piece of sticky tape, Vers shoots energy out of her fist causing the handle and lock to disappear], Fury: You sat there and watched me play with tape? My people lived as refugees on Torfa. Maria Rambeau: Goose likes you. Bron-Char: It's funny cause objectively speaking, you're quite handsome. Did you find Soh-Larr? ; (to Thor) I think you're confusing peace with quiet. Yon-Rogg: It's causing you doubt, and doubt makes you vulnerable. Vers continues to absorb the energy, her hands begin to spark and her eyes glow bright blue. Talos: No, you destroyed the engine. Get that thing away! Carol Danvers: Bruce Banner: Whatever the signal is sending, it finally creeped off. A few years after de-aging Douglas in Ant-Man, Marvel Studios doubled down on the risky move, de-aging Samuel L. Jackson 20 years younger to his 1990s glory . Ronan: C-53 doesn't have a defense system advanced enough to destroy our warheads. How to Audition for Marvel | Auditioning for Superhero Films - StageMilk I can't leave Monica. She becomes intrigued with something outside, and walks towards it. Yon-Rogg walks towards Carol and throws Goose along the floor towards her. Prepare for a search and rescue of our spy, Soh-Larr. Carol Danvers: There's only so much I'm cleared to tell you, Vers, but Lawson was an undercover Kree operative named Mar-Vell. Who's a good kitty Goose? I know Lawson was Kree. And I knew her as Lawson. Maria: On my shoulders. MOTHER FLERKEN!!! While she is flipping through the file, she stops at an image of Dr. Lawson, Maria, a pilot and herself in the background], [A flashback then starts. ], [Scene changes to Fury, who is back in his office, wearing an eyepatch. Carol: Mmhmm. I've got to admit, that's not the craziest thing I've heard today. Mar-Vell warned us not to send a signal for any reason, or the Kree would find us. It's hard for me to say goodbye, too. This is war. No. Biker (The Don): General Talos (voiceover): This can't be right. It's two words. No super serum, no blonde hair or blue eyes. Korath: The Supreme Intelligence will set her straight. Nick Fury: I see what you're trying to do. [ Vers' fist returns to normal] Carol Danvers: As Vers looks around, the camera shows her restrained and hanging upside-down inside of a Skrull warship]. In the end of the intro, a white text appears reading "Thank You Stan". Fury: Well, is it in front of all that nothing, or behind it? I am Iron Man". Eject the others into space. Static electricity out here's no joke. I'll be back before you know it. This is that moment. [General Talos tasers Vers before the screen turns black.]. Stay with me Lawson! Carol Danvers: Serve well, and with honor. You are Carol Danvers. Maria: They won't be safe here, baby. I will finish what we started. Fury: Mar-Vell. Tentacle-like wires appear from below her feet and connect to her legs, arms, and head. Clear will be published in three oversized periodicals and feature variant covers by acclaimed artists. Monica: Testing brand new aerospace tech is dangerous. Once Vers has aligned the plane parallel to the ground, the plane crashes into a beach), [Vers climbs out of the plane and attends to Lawson, whose head is slumped against her chest. We did. Just, don't kill me. General Talos (voiceover): Who is this person? Nick Fury: Scarlet Witch was ranked the strongest. The two of those are not related. This is gonna get a little awkward, but I gotta ask. You know that. Oh, I'll be out of your hair as soon as I track down the Skrulls that are infiltrating your planet. You think I'm gonna crank call you? [Suddenly the doors to the lab open, and Yon-Rogg and his team walk through], [Fury draws his gun but Minn-Erva already has hers pointed directly towards him. Anything about you? The Skrull fires, but Vers pushes Fury away and fires back at the sniper before running after him. Vers then chases the train down the platform and jumps on top of it. The Doc was always unique. When she gestures for him to drop it, he raises his hands in surrender and returns the gun to its holster. When Carol meets the Supreme Intelligence, a record is playing beside her and a long table is sitting in front of her, a few meters away with Dr. Lawson sitting at the only seat]. 25 Best Loki Quotes That Every Marvel Fan Will Remember Your communicator. Maria: You woke me up, banging on my door at dawn. Nick Fury: It's just a scratch. !>>> Carol Danvers: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, How It Started And How It's Really Going Now What was Lawson doing with all this kid stuff? Nick Fury: Vers: Name a detail so bizarre a Skrull could never fabricate it. It has a range of 2 and a strength of 5, and costs zero power. Talos: We'll know soon enough. Fury is then seen hiding at the end of an aisle of cupboards, peeking his head around one side before throwing an empty can across the room. Should they reach him before we do, the intelligence he has acquired over three years is as good as theirs. Steve Rogers: (Vers gestures towards the engine of the plane) You mean that energy core? They're state vectors. You and I lost everything at the hands of the Kree. Keep a close radius, we lose comms we meet back at the Helion. Woody Harrelson made a rare red carpet appearance with his family at the premiere of his new movie, "Champions." The Texas native sparked backlash online when he . Big hero moment. Supreme Intelligence: Nick Fury: It's all blank. No, of course not. Vers pick him up and places him on the console before Goose lies down]. Keller. Fury: Oh, ho. Take the Flerken with you. Talos: Download the cards (15 pages total), print them out, cut in half and pass out at your workplace or during . Nick Fury: Yon-Rogg then walks up to her and points his gun at her face]. Fury: Said the space soldier who was wearing a rubber suit. She falls down to Earth, but she manages to calm and control her powers right before hitting the ground, which allows her to fly back up. I can't wear these Kree colors anymore, and since you're obviously the only person around here with any sense of style [Carol stands up and presses a few buttons on her suit. Alright, ma'am? So, um, what do Skrulls want with Dr. Lawson? [The image then zooms into one of the planets, revealing a Skrull carrying a weapon similar to in Vers' dream.]. Maria: I'm sorry. Nick Fury: Vers: A Skrull can't do that. Carol Danvers: May 13, 2016 - This is probably one of the most beautiful things ever written/said by a character in the MCU. Vers: Well maybe if you were more attractive then it would be less disturbing. Perhaps this is a mercy, sparing you from a deeper pain. Vers: Shape-shifters. Vers:: Did you have a rough day Agent Fury? [checking her after the crash] The movie theatre has its own guy. Help me out. Nick Fury: Mom, it's Aunty Carol! [The two fist bump, and Carol teasingly electrocutes Fury, laughs it off. Suddenly, a group of Kree appears behind them], [Scene changes back to the fight between Yon-Rogg and Carol. He killed her. The stares, the judgement, and there's nothing I can do to change it, yet I'm still here. Yeah. Dr. Wendy Lawson: Star Force. It's about ending them. But technically I don't remember that part. Yon-Rogg: Captain America always had the best speeches in the MCU. Could I see some identification, please? He then decides to rename his project "The Avengers Initiative".
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